Se hva du kan gjøre og oppleve i Jerusalem

Destination of pilgrimages, subject of psalms, and a tormented battlefield, Jerusalem has been the scene of crucial events in the history of Western civilisation. The city contains some of the most sacred sites in the entire world. Today it is a fascinating kaleidoscope of cultures where daily life streams next to millennia-old landmarks. Visitors can find a rich music and dining scene, atmospheric cafes, crowded markets, and a number of cultural events. Jerusalem's spiritual aura and ancient, intricate beauty will be difficult to forget.

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Tower of David and Museum of the History of Jerusalem

Right at the entrance to the Old City, near the Jaffa Gate, this old citadel is a good way to start your visit to Jerusalem. From the top, you can admire a great panorama of the area. To learn more about the city's history, visit the Museum of the History of Jerusalem, located inside the fortress, or come for the Night Spectacular show, which combines entertainment and education. Built by Herod the Great, the citadel is believed to be the place where Jesus's death sentence was pronounced. It then became a hub for the Crusaders and the Ottomans, and was restored several times.
Adresse: Tower of David, in front of Jaffa Gate, Jerusalem
Telefon: +972 2 626 5333
Åpningstider: Sat-Thu and holidays 9am-4pm (in August until 5pm). Fri and holiday eves 9am-2pm
Transport: Line 38

Ramparts Walk

A lesser known but stunning way to see the Old City is the Ramparts Walk, which will guarantee you an aerial view from the top of the Ottoman walls that circle the city. You can choose between two options. The longer north side walk, which covers the area from the Jaffa Gate to the Lions Gate, overlooks the Christian and Muslim Quarters and ends near the Dome of the Rock. The south side walk goes from the Tower of David to the Zion Gate, and will bring you right in front of the Western Wall.
Adresse: at Jaffa Gate, Old City, Jerusalem
Telefon: +972 2 627 7550
Åpningstider: Sat-Thu 9am-4pm. Fri 9am-2pm
Transport: Line 38

Temple Mount / Noble Sanctuary

This upland inside the Old City hosts places of worship for Jews (who call it Temple Mount, "Har HaBáyit") and Muslims (for whom the place is named Noble Sanctuary, "Haram esh-Sharif"). It was also the scene of events narrated in the Gospels, and its intense atmosphere can captivate everyone. Along with the Western Wall, the Dome of the Rock and the Al-Aqsa Mosque, here you will find the smaller Dome of the Chain and four Minarets. The Sanctuary is enclosed in walls built by Herod the Great 2,000 years ago. Of the eleven gates, only one is open to Non-Muslim visitors: it's the Mughrabi Gate, guarded by a security check. Dress modestly: cover your legs and shoulders and bring a cap.
Adresse: Temple Mount, Old City, Jerusalem
Telefon: +972 2 622 6250
Åpningstider: Summer: Sun-Thu 7:30am-11am and 1:30pm-2:30pm. Winter: Sun-Thu 7am-10:30am and 12:30pm-1:30pm

Western Wall

The Western Wall is the only part remaining of Solomon's Temple, built in the 10th century BC and destroyed twice. Praying here carries a lot of meaning for Jewish believers, who mumble hymns and insert prayers written on small pieces of paper between the bricks - every visitor is allowed to partake. The Temple was said to contain the Ark of the Covenant, a biblical golden chest. Moreover, Jesus reportedly visited the Temple as a child and left an impression on the wise men inside with his knowledge of the Bible. There are separate entrances for men and women leading to different parts of the wall. Friday evenings are particularly crowded, as Jewish people celebrate the arrival of Shabbat, the day of rest. Bar Mitzvah ceremonies take place in the morning on Monday, Thursday and Saturday: it's a great time to visit, as the place comes alive with Jewish song and dance.
Adresse: Western Wall, Old City, Jerusalem
Telefon: +972 2 627 1333
Åpningstider: 24/7

Western Wall Tunnels

Only 70 meters of the Western Wall are visible from the outside, but the shrine continues underground for half a kilometre more. To visit this part, join a guided tour of the tunnels. You will reach the segment of the Wall which was closer to the Holy of Holiest, the most sacred part of Solomon's Temple. Praying here has a particularly deep meaning for Jewish people, and there's a small synagogue for this purpose. Other notable sights are houses and pools from the Second Temple era, imposing stone arches, and an aqueduct from the 2nd century BC.
Adresse: Western Wall, Old City of Jerusalem
Telefon: +972 2 627 1333
Åpningstider: Sun-Thu 7:20am until late at night. Fri 7:20am-12pm. Saturday evening on reservation

Dome of the Rock

In 620 AD, in the company of an angel, the prophet Mohamad took a night journey to Heaven: called Mi'raj, this episode is a key point in the Islamic tradition. Located on top of the Noble Sanctuary upland, the Dome protects the rock where this journey started. On the same rock, thousands of years before, the biblical patriarch Abraham had allegedly tried to sacrifice his son Isaac, before God told him to stop. The Dome is, according to some, the oldest existing Islamic building, and a holy place of immense importance. Byzantine artisans built it between 687 and 691, and today its golden top stands out against the cityscape. Non-Muslim visitors cannot enter the Dome, but its elegant architecture is definitely worth taking a look at.
Adresse: Temple Mount, Old City, Jerusalem
Åpningstider: Summer: Sun-Thu 7:30am-10:30am and 1:30pm-2:30pm. Winter: Sun-Thu 7:30am-11:30am and 1:30pm-2:30pm

Al-Aqsa Mosque

Built to celebrate Mohamed's spiritual journey, this imposing Mosque is open to visitors of all faiths. More sober than the Dome, it was built in an early Islamic style; however, due to its complicated history, it features elements from different art styles, such as Romanesque arches, Corinthian columns, and Italian marbles. The Mosque used to host the King of Jerusalem and the Templar Knights during the Crusades era.
Adresse: Al Aqsa Mosque, Temple Mount, Jerusalem

Islamic Museum

Adjacent to the Al Aqsa Mosque, the Islamic Museum is dedicated to the Islamic history and different Muslim religions. The building once belonged to the Knights Templar. The museum boasts as many as 600 Qur'an copies from various eras, each of them with an interesting history and different decorations. Other exhibits display traditional furnishings, weapons, and historical objects.
Adresse: Islamic Museum, at Al Aqsa Mosque, Temple Mount, Old City of Jerusalem

Via Dolorosa

The next unmissable landmark is the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, built allegedly on Jesus's burial place. A historically accurate and possibly emotional way to reach the church is through the Via Dolorosa: this street of the Old City is said to have been walked by Jesus on his way to crucifixion. Every Friday, Roman Catholic believers walk the same street in a procession and stop at nine Stations: spots that commemorate significant events in Jesus's last hours. The last four Stations are located inside the church.
Adresse: Via Dolorosa, Old City of Jerusalem

Church of the Holy Sepulcre

A destination of Christian pilgrimages for centuries, this church sits on the place where Jesus is said to have been killed, buried and resurrected. Some of the most riveting parts of the church are the richly decorated Calvary or 'Golgotha', where Jesus was crucified, and the Stone of Anointing, where the preparation for his burial was held. The huge complex was built by the emperor Constantine in the 4th century, and was damaged and restored several times.
Adresse: Church of the Holy Sepulcre, HaNotsrim Street, Old City, Jerusalem
Åpningstider: April-September: Mon-Sat 5am-9pm, Sun 5am-8pm. October-March: daily 4am-7pm


During Roman times the Cardo was Jerusalem's main street, and it must have been quite a view: lined by columns that linked as roofed arcades above pedestrians, it was 22 meters wide and teemed with carriages and cattle. The street has been rediscovered and partially restored by archaeologists in 1975. While walking, you'll see wall remains of the First and Second Temple, columns, and typical stone brick pavements. In the north there is an authentic bazaar which dates back to the Crusades era.
Adresse: Cardo, Old City, Jerusalem

Muslim Quarter

Located in the North-Eastern part of the city, the Muslim quarter will strike you as a lot busier then the adjacent Jewish one. Men smoke nargila inside the cafes while children play in the streets. The roads are lined with stands, and vendors loudly present their products. In the northern part you will find the beautiful Damascus Gate. Built by Suleiman the Magnificent, it has triangular spires at the top, which gives it resemblance of a crown.
Adresse: Muslim Quarter, Old City, Jerusalem

Jewish Quarter

The narrow alleyways of the Jewish quarter contain homes of many ancient Hebrew families. Here, while tourists take pictures, Jewish teenagers head to their Yeshivas. schools for Torah studies. Near the Cardo you will find the Hurva Synagogue: recently restored, it offers beautiful views over the roofs of the quarter. Built by Ashkenazi Jews in the 16th century, the synagogue has been destroyed and banned several times; for Jewish people it's a symbol of their tormented history.
Adresse: Jewish Quarter, Old City, Jerusalem

Armenian Quarter

Smaller and less crowded, The Armenian Quarter has an ancient and intriguing atmosphere. The Armenian community is indeed one of the oldest in the city: it is believed that a group of Christian pilgrims founded it in the 4th century AD. If you're interested in religious architecture, take some extra time to visit. Head to St. Mark's Chapel, one of the oldest churches in Jerusalem, dating back to the 12th century. It's located on the exact spot where Jesus's Last Supper happened, and where the Virgin Mary was baptised. Today, it belongs to Syriac Orthodox believers, and it is richly decorated, with a carved throne and beautiful interiors. St James Cathedral is also worth a visit: it is a site of martyrdom and it's only open during masses. Finally, stop by the Armenian Compound. A monastery and hospice, it was a refuge for those who escaped the dramatic Armenian genocide. Today, it is also the seat of the Armenian Patriarchate.
Adresse: Armenian Quarter, Old City, Jerusalem

Christian Quarter

Constructed around the Church of the Holy Sepulcre, in the north-western part of the Old City, the area is home to several Christian sights. Few houses can be found here - it's mostly about religious buildings, educational facilities, and a plethora of cafes, restaurants and shops. The streets are packed with vendors. It is especially worth exploring the area of Mauristan, teeming with shops and colourful stalls. Used as a market during the Roman Empire, the area hosted churches and hospices during the Crusades (in Persian, "Mauristan" means hospital).
Adresse: Christian Quarter, Old City, Jerusalem

Yad Vashem

This solemn memorial is Israel's tribute to the millions of Jewish victims of the Shoah, and an intense, thought-provoking experience for visitors. The conceptual design conveys a striking feeling of how enormous the disaster was. The exhibits mix historical displays with personal testimonies and remains. Yad Vashem also hosts an important research centre.
Adresse: Yad Vashem, Mount Herzl, Jerusalem
Telefon: +972 2 644 3400
Åpningstider: Sun-Wed 8:30am-5pm. Thu 8:30am-8pm. Fri and holiday eves 8:30am-2pm

Mahane Yehuda Market

The most popular street market in Jerusalem, this busy place feels authentic: locals come to grocery shop and vendors are loud. Catch the opportunity to try out some reasonably priced specialities from the food stands. Lately, the place has also become a vibrant nightlife hangout, with restaurants and live music. Mahane Yehuda is also called as "The Shuk", which means "market" in Hebrew. A recent project has filled the walls with contemporary urban art.
Adresse: Mahane Yehuda Market, Jerusalem

Israel Museum

This museum boasts a rich and informative series of exhibits, and it's very helpful in understanding the past and present of Jerusalem. The collection of Dead Sea Scrolls, hundreds of manuscript copies of the Bible found in Qumran, is astonishing. Moreover, you'll view the biggest exhibition of biblical archaeology in the world, a selection of modern artwork, and a stylish, impressive garden of contemporary sculpture.
Adresse: Ruppin Boulevard 11, Jerusalem
Telefon: +972 2 670 8811
Åpningstider: Mon, Wed, Thu, Sat, Sun, and holidays 10am-5pm. Tue 10am-9pm. Fri and holiday eves 10am-2pm
Transport: Bus lines 7, 9, 14, 35, 66

City of David and Hezekiah's Tunnel

Here you can explore the remains of the oldest part of Jerusalem, and walk into water through the meanders of a subterranean stream. The archaeological site of the City of David spreads over two levels: an above-the-ground area and underground excavations. It is much older than Jerusalem's Old City: the ancient population of Canaanites built it near the waters of the Gihon Spring before 2,000 BCE. The biblical king David conquered it and made it the capital of his domain. Located in the underground part of the site, Hezekiah's tunnel was used to channel water from the spring. The half-an-hour walk inside will show many archaeological remains, including a millennial pool which was said to have healing powers. If you wish to walk into water, bring your swimsuit and suitable shoes.
Adresse: City of David, Ma'alot Ir David Street, Jerusalem
Telefon: +972 2 626 8700
Åpningstider: Summer: Sun-Thu 8am-7pm, Fri 8am-4pm. Winter: Sun-Thu 8am-5pm, Fri 8am-2pm
Transport: Bus lines 1, 2, 38

Jerusalem Season of Culture

This rich, fascinating festival takes place every summer and lasts for one entire month. With its complexity and long history, Jerusalem becomes a vibrant, bustling stage for the wide program of events, which gather musicians, DJs, visual artists, chefs, and many more. One of the main goals is to bring together the population, regardless of religion and nationality, and to create a forum for potential conflict resolution.
Telefon: +972 2 653 5854

Bible Lands Museum

The Bible Lands museum focuses on the history of various cultures listed in the Bible, mixing archaeological findings, information from sacred texts and historical research. You will see religious representations and funerary art as well as jewellery, secular artwork and everyday items. The collection is so extensive it can easily become overwhelming: it's best to get an audio guide or join a free guided tour (in English or Hebrew).
Adresse: Shmuel Stefan Wise Street 21, Museum Row, Jerusalem
Telefon: +972 2 561 1066
Åpningstider: Sun-Tue and Thu 9:30am-5:30pm. Wed 9:30am-9:30pm. Fri, Sat and holiday eves 10am-2pm
Transport: Bus lines 7, 9, 14, 35, 66

Hebrew Music Museum

The Hebrew Music museum is a different and lesser-known experience: its display of original ancient musical instruments is impressive, and it's accompanied by interactive content and fascinating historical information on Jewish diasporas. You can get to know the Jewish people's history through their musical tradition, which is quite an interesting perspective. It is also possible to hear what each of the instruments sounded like.
Adresse: Yoel Moshe Salomon Street 10, Nahalat Shiva, Jerusalem
Telefon: +972 2 540 6505
Åpningstider: Sun-Thu 9:30am-8pm. Fri and holidays 9:30am-1:30pm

LA Mayer Institute for Islamic Art

The LA Mayer Memorial Museum for Islamic Art is a hub for beliefs, traditions and artwork of the Islamic civilisation. Nine different exhibitions display a limited but highly informative ensemble. One of the most interesting features is their rare collection of clocks, which counts more than 200 items.
Adresse: HaPalmach Street 2, Jerusalem
Telefon: +972 2 566 1291
Åpningstider: Mon-Wed 10am-3pm. Thu 10am-7pm. Fri-Sat 10am-2pm
Transport: Bus line 13

Palestinian Heritage Museum

A visit to this museum is a good way to learn more about Jerusalem's culture and complexity. The exhibitions keep a memory of important personalities and dramatic events in the Palestinian community; they also preserve the people's material culture, such as traditional pottery, weaving and working tools, dresses, and jewellery. Ultimately, the museum is a testimony to the strong connection between the Palestinians and the city of Jerusalem.
Adresse: Abu Obaidah Al-Jarrah Street, Jerusalem
Telefon: +972 2 627 2531
Åpningstider: Mon-Wed and Sat 9am-3pm. Thu 9am-6pm

Museum on the Seam

The past of Jerusalem is hugely fascinating, but the present is at least equally as important. Located on the very border between West and East Jeursalem, the Museum on the Seam provides great food for thought on contemporary social issues in the land. It has hosted exhibitions from some of the most important artists of our time (Bill Viola, Wim Wenders, and Anselm Kiefer to name a few). Since the exhibitions are often strongly connected to ongoing debates, they can be controversial; however, it is worth paying a visit to the museum, marked as a must-see destination by the New York Times.
Adresse: Chel Handassa Street 4, Jerusalem
Telefon: +972 2 628 1278
Åpningstider: Mon, Wed, Thu 10am-5pm. Tue 2pm-8pm. Fri 10am-2pm

Ades Synagogue

Lesser known by tourists, Ades Synagogue boasts typical, well-kept interiors, with chandeliers and a walnut ark inlaid with mother-of-pearl. If you're visiting in winter and you're interested in Jewish religious culture, come early on Saturday (Shabbat) morning and listen to bakashot, songs based on Kabbalistic poetry.
Adresse: Be'er Sheva Street 1, Jerusalem

Mount of Olives and Garden of Gethsemane

According to the Bible and the Gospels, this is one of the holiest places in Jerusalem. The hill offers a beautiful view over the city and the Dome of the Rock, and it's especially beautiful in the morning, with the sun on visitors' backs. The backstory is rough – allegedly, Jesus prayed here the night before he was killed, while his disciples were sleeping. Some believe that at the end of days God will stand there to redeem the dead.
Adresse: Mount of Olives Road, Jerusalem

Church of St. Peter of Gallicantu

This Byzantine-style catholic church on Mount Zion offers great views over the City of David and the village of Silwan, inhabited by Palestinians. The current building was finished in the 1930s on the site of previous churches, including a byzantine monastery, and has some interesting decorations (check the stained glass windows). Inside, you will be able to view mosaics and remains from previous churches. According to the tradition, the church is the place where the apostle Peter cried in regret having denied Jesus before his death. The roman stairs next to the church are believed to have been used by Jesus on his way to Gethsemane.
Adresse: Ma'aleh Hashalom, Mount Zion, Jerusalem
Telefon: +972 2 673 1739

St Anne's Church

St Anne's Church was built by crusaders in the 12th century in a Romanesque style. Many pilgrims take advantage of the perfect acoustics inside and sing religious hymns. Hidden in the courtyard you'll find some remains of a Roman pagan temple. The church was a Muslim school for some time under the Saladin, and is considered to be the site of many important events in the Christian religion: the home of Virgin Mary's parents, Joachim and Anne, and of the Pool of Betheseda, where Jesus healed a sick man.
Adresse: Church of St. Anne, Derech Sha'ar HaArayot, Jerusalem
Telefon: +972 2 628 3285
Åpningstider: April-September 8am-noon and 2pm-6pm. October-March 8am-noon and 2pm-5pm

Dormition Church and Monastery

The Dormition Church and Monastery is an imposing, elegant complex just outside the Old City, near the Sion Gate; it belongs to Benedictine monks, and showcases beautiful decorations and Romanesque revival architecture. The luxuriously decorated crypt celebrates the Assumption of the Virgin Mary, which is believed to have happened here.
Adresse: Dormition Abbey, Mount Sion, Jerusalem
Telefon: +972 2 565 5330

Monastery of the Cross

An Eastern Orthodox Monastery, this Georgian-style building is said to be located where the head of the biblical ancestor Adam was buried. The origins of the foundation are mysterious, possibly dating back to the 4th century and emperor Constantine's mother. Inside the church you'll find colourful ceremonial art, Georgian frescoes and manuscripts, remains from the Crusade Era, and a small museum.
Adresse: Rehavia Valley (Valley of the Cross), Jerusalem
Transport: Bus line 15

Herodian Quarter - Wohl Museum of Archaeology

The Herodian Quarter Museum is a small but surprisingly well preserved mansion from two thousand years ago. The house of a wealthy Jewish family until Titus's destruction in 70 AD, it gives a taste of what life of the richest was like in Jerusalem at the time. Tours and audio guides are available.
Adresse: Hakaraim Street 1, Jerusalem
Telefon: +972 2 626 5906
Åpningstider: Summer: Sun-Thu 9am-6pm, Fri and holiday eves 9am-1pm. Winter: Sun-Thu 9am-5pm, Fri and holiday eves 9am-13pm

Jerusalem Archaeological Park & Davidson Centre

The Jerusalem Archaeological Park & Davidson Centre comprises remains from the Second Temple era, 2,000 years ago. You'll admire columns, gates, streets, and the typical Jewish baths (mikve'ot). Audio guides and educational videos will help you understand the site's history.
Adresse: Ma'alot Harav Shlomo Goren, Jerusalem
Telefon: +972 2 626 5906
Åpningstider: Sun-Thu 9am-6pm. Fri 9am-1pm

Biblical Zoo and Tisch Zoological Gardens

If you feel in need of a break from cultural sightseeing, find some natural beauty and light-hearted entertainment in this 62-acre-big zoo. Kids will have a great time. The facility hosts a variety of endangered species. The zoo's main theme is peculiar: it focuses on animals mentioned in the Bible - you're in the cradle of western religion, after all.
Adresse: Derech Aharon Shulov 1, Jerusalem
Telefon: +972 2 675 0111
Åpningstider: Sun-Thu 9am-7pm. Fri and holiday eves 9am-4:30pm. Sat and holidays 10am-6pm
Transport: Bus lines 33, 26a, 99

Herodyon National Park

The Herodyon National Park, not to be confused with the Herodian Quarter, is located on the top of a hill, and showcases what remains of Herod the Great's megalomania for palaces. It is the best place to combine a relaxing nature hike, some archaeological sightseeing, and a stunning natural environment: on sunny days, the Dead Sea sparkles in the distance.
Adresse: Herodion National Park, Israel
Telefon: +972 2 595 3591
Åpningstider: Summer: Sun-Thu and Sat 8am-5pm, Fri and holiday eves 8am-4pm. Winter: Sun-Thu and Sat 8am-4pm, Fri and holiday eves 8am-3pm

St. George Koziba Monastery

For an off-the-track, adventurous, and possibly spiritual hiking trip, head to the Monastery of St. George, in the West Bank. Hidden in the rocky landscape, hanging solitary in the deep gorge of Wadi Quelt, it is a breathtaking destination. Hermits founded it in the 5th century. It spreads over three floors, and boasts a beautiful mosaic and a reliquary inside. It is also well known for its hospitality, and friendliness towards female pilgrims. You will need a car to reach the place. The journey will last almost an hour.
Adresse: St. George (Mar Jaris), Wadi Quelt, Jericho Governorate, West Bank
Telefon: +972 54 730 6557
Åpningstider: Mon-Sat 9am-1pm

First Station

Inaugurated at the turn of last century, this Ottoman building no longer operates as a train station, and has been transformed into a lively entertainment, culture and leisure complex. There's always something going on and plenty of restaurants to choose from, especially for dinner, when live music is played and the atmosphere is vibrant. Take the occasion to explore the nearby downtown area in the new part of Jerusalem.
Adresse: David Remez Street 4, Jerusalem
Telefon: +972 2 653 5239
Åpningstider: 24/7

The Eucalyptus

With a focus on cultural memory and local produce, this fine Kosher restaurant in the Artist Quarter won't be a cheap eat, but it will provide a memorable experience. All dishes are based on biblical scenes, and give a modern interpretation to meals mentioned in the sacred text. The chef uses spices and herbs that have been typical of the land for millennia. The location is also great: from their elegantly decorated balcony, you'll be able to admire the sun set over the Old City walls.
Adresse: Felt Alley (between Hativat Yerushalayim 14 and Dror Eliel Street), Jerusalem
Telefon: +972 2 624 4331
Åpningstider: Sun-Thu 5pm-11pm. Sat 8:15pm-11pm


Loved for its vibrant, typically loud atmosphere, the MachneYuda restaurant offers great food, and music to dance to while the staff sing. They use fresh ingredients from nearby stalls of the Mahane Yehuda Market, and change the menu according to seasonal produce availability. While in the Old Town, make sure to give it a try.
Adresse: Beit Yaakov Street 10, Jerusalem
Telefon: +972 2 533 3442
Åpningstider: Sun-Thu 12:30pm-4pm and 6:30pm-1:30am. Fri 11:30am-3:30pm. Sat 8pm-1am


Try out authentic Palestinian cuisine at Azzahra, located in a beautiful mansion only a ten minute walk away from the Old City. If in doubt, choose their typical, well-reviewed makloubeh: its Arab name literally means "upside down", because this dish of lamb, rice and toasted almonds is served upside down after cooking. Their bakdoonsiyyeh, a parsley salad served with bread and tahini dip sauce, is also recommended. They also offer stone-baked pizzas, and their wine list is extensive.
Adresse: Azzahra Street 13, Jerusalem
Telefon: +972 2 628 2447

Abu Shukri

An institution in the Old City, Abu Shukri offers great value for money, serving Middle-Eastern cuisine for every budget: this traditional, unassuming restaurant is a favourite among locals, and prepares delicious hummus and falafel served with pita bread and vegetables. It is only open for lunch, and it's usually quite crowded.
Adresse: Al Wad Street 63, Jerusalem
Telefon: +972 2 627 1538


Lively and elegant, Chakra boasts a creative and eclectic choice of dishes, accompanied by an extensive list of drinks. Located in the centre, it's the perfect place to taste different specialities – share with your friends, and maybe order a tasting menu. Just be aware that the prices are rather high.
Adresse: King George Street 41, Jerusalem
Telefon: +972 2 625 2733
Åpningstider: Sun-Fri from 5pm until last guest. Sat from 12:30pm until last guest

American Colony Hotel

A dinner in this historical palace is worth its price, if only for the beautiful location and peaceful, charming interiors. Found near the Damascus Gate, the building was formerly a pasha's estate, converted into an hotel 1902. Inside, there are several high-class eateries open for non-guests: the Arabesque dining room specialises in Middle-Eastern cuisine, while Val's Brasserie Lounge offers European dishes. Underground you will find a popular, atmospheric Cellar Bar, for a refined drink after dinner.
Adresse: Louis Vincent Street 1, Jerusalem
Telefon: +972 2 627 9719


Open seven days a week, this cosy restaurant mixes traditional ingredients and international dishes. Set in a central location, it serves meals all around the clock and has tasty vegan options. Try their fattoush, a typical salad made with fried or toasted bread, tomatoes and other vegetables.
Adresse: Betsal'el Street, Jerusalem
Telefon: +972 2 625 5222


Another well-loved and unpretentious spot for lunch, Azura serves Iraqi Jewish dishes in huge portions, and also features many alternatives in the Jewish Fusion Style. The Cube Soup is a must try. The restaurant is located in the Iraqi section of the Mahane Yehuda Market and has tables to sit outside. Expect to find it packed with people.
Adresse: Iraqui Market, Ha-Eshkol Street 4, Jerusalem


Experience some North African cuisine in this kosher restaurant, whose creative chef mixes traditional Algerian recipes with elements from Jerusalem. In a central position inside the Old City, the restaurant is set in an ancient building, and carefully re-decorated – in a North African-inspired style, of course.
Adresse: Jaffa Street 113, Jerusalem
Telefon: +972 2 631 0050
Åpningstider: Sun-Thu 12pm-12am. Fri 11:30am-3pm


At Nafoura, a very charming location and good dishes come reasonably priced. With its beautiful outside area in front of the Old City Walls, near Jaffa Gate, it is a good option for an atmospheric dinner, especially on Saturday, when many other restaurants close for Shabbat. They have a lot of space, so big groups will have an easy time finding seating. Cuisine is manly Middle-Eastern – try their well-reviewed eggplant starter.
Adresse: Latin Patriarchate Road 26, Jerusalem
Telefon: +972 2 626 0034
Åpningstider: Mon-Sat 12am-11pm


Shanty is particularly loved for its steaks – some say they're the best in Jerusalem – but this cosy hidden gem also offers a good range of seafood and international dishes. Seize the occasion to visit the historical quarter of Nahalat Shiva, built in 1860 outside the Old City, with its crowded promenade.
Adresse: Nahalat Shiva 4, Jerusalem
Telefon: +972 2 624 3434
Åpningstider: Mon-Sat 7pm-3am

Tmol Shilshom

The half old-fashioned, half hippie decor give this central coffee shop a cosy, intimate vibe, and make it the perfect relaxing spot after hours of sightseeing. They serve breakfast, lunch and snacks, and are also well-loved among locals. Food is tasty - try their shakshuka, a delicious poached egg dish.
Adresse: Yo’el Moshe Salomon Street 5, Nachalat Shiva, Jerusalem
Telefon: +972 2 623 2758
Åpningstider: Sun-Thu 8:30am-11:30pm. Fri 9am-4pm. Sat 8:30pm-11:30pm

Austrian Hospice

Located in the centre of the Old City, this guesthouse cafe boasts a stunning view from the rooftop and beautiful gardens. The menu is typically Austrian, with Strudel and different types of coffee. The first national pilgrim guesthouse in Israel, Austrian Hospice opened in 1863. Its architecture is inspired by the beautiful palaces of the Ring, in Vienna. Stop for a coffee break or a refreshing beer.
Adresse: Via Dolorosa 37, Jerusalem
Telefon: +972 2 626 5800
Åpningstider: Daily 10am-10pm

Mousseline Ice Cream Parlor

Need something sweet and refreshing? Mousseline's ice cream is one of the best and most loved in the city: it tastes homemade and comes in a variety of flavours, including some very unusual must tries - their wasabi-flavoured ice cream is probably a once-in-a-lifetime experience.
Adresse: HaArmonim Street 2, Mahane Yehuda Market (next to Morduch), Jerusalem
Telefon: +972 2 500 3601
Åpningstider: Sun-Wed 10am-12am. Thu 9am-12am. Fri 7:30am-5pm. Sat 8:30am-12am

Jaffar Sweets

A highly recommended destination for typical middle eastern pastries, Jaffar Sweet is said to prepare the best knafeh pastry in all of Jerusalem. Knafeh is based on goat cheese and syrup, and it's a must try. Other specialities are murtabah, a stuffed pancake, and burma, a wrap of twisted dough and cashews. The pastry shop is tucked away in a busy, crowded street of the Muslim Quarter market. Search for it among clothing and souvenir stals: you won't regret it.
Adresse: Beit HaBad Street, Muslim Quarter, Jerusalem


For a traditional coffee break, Cofix offers a wide range of beverages. The company has several branches around the city: the one in question is in the vibrant quarter of Nahalat Shiva, a few steps away from the Old City.
Adresse: Lunz Street 3, Jerusalem
Telefon: +972 9 973 3150
Åpningstider: Sun-Thu 7am-11pm. Fri 7:30am-5pm. Sat 8pm until last customer

Bassem Gallery & Cafe

While visiting the Via Dolorosa, in the Old City, stopping at Bassem's is recommended. Its interiors are a burst of red and golden Middle-Eastern decor, and every corner is full of interesting items to buy. While enjoying the coffee and music, take a look at the books and ask the warm-hearted owner for some tips.
Adresse: Via Dolorosa 38, Jerusalem
Telefon: +972 54 573 9629
Åpningstider: Sat-Thu 9am-7pm

Yellow Submarine

This concert venue boasts a rich offer of live music in different genres, and has been a favourite in Jerusalem for almost 30 years. Head to their performance stage and bar to discover Israeli and international artists - the complete list of events is available on their website.
Adresse: Ha-Rekhavim St 13, Jerusalem
Telefon: +972 2 679 4040

Jerusalem Cinémathèque

Located in an atmospheric setting on Hebron Hill, this historical cinema was opened by a couple of movie enthusiasts in the 1970s. Today it has a hugely varied program of night screenings: classics, art film from all over the world, commercial works, and rare finds from the owners' archives. The Cinémathèque also hosts several film festivals.
Adresse: Hebron Road 11, Jerusalem
Telefon: +972 2 565 4333

Glen Whisk(e)y bar

Listing hundreds of whiskey options (literally), this well-loved bar is a few steps away from Jaffa Gate. It also offers good burgers, and a careful selection of craft beers. The ambience is vibrant, and prices are fair. Try Arrat, an Israeli anise spirit with a heavy liquorice taste.
Adresse: Gershon Agron St 24, Jerusalem
Telefon: +972 54 901 0076
Åpningstider: Sun-Tue 5pm-4am. Fri-Sat 6pm-6am

Beer Bazaar

One of the best beer places in Jerusalem, Beer Bazaar is located in the Mahane Yehuda market. It offers a wide menu of more than 100 locally produced craft beers, which has earned it many great reviews - especially for the IPAs. Expect the place to be crowded, mostly on Thursdays.
Adresse: Etz Hayyim 3, Jerusalem
Telefon: +972 2 671 2559
Åpningstider: Sun-Thu 11am-2am. Fri 10am-4pm. Sat from an hour after sunset until last customer


An alternative event venue, Mazkeka is best known for its concerts, which feature avant-garde music proposals, a great sound system and a varied genre selection. The place is a lively cultural centre and lab, also focusing on performing arts, film and new media; it hosts famous personalities as well as emerging artists. Frequented by hip people, it also serves nice drinks.
Adresse: Shoshan Street 3, Jerusalem
Telefon: +972 2 582 2090

Off The Wall Comedy Theatre

Spend a light-hearted evening at this frisky stand up comedy place, which offers clean entertainment, suitable for families. Off The Wall hosts shows in English and Hebrew - check the dates and hours on the website. It also organises karaoke nights.
Adresse: King David Street 32 (corner of Keren HaYesod Street), Jerusalem
Telefon: +972 50 875 5688

Gatsby Cocktail Room

As suggested by the name, this bar oozes retro glamour, with a sophisticated decor inspired by speakeasy bars of the Prohibition era. Cocktails are as cool and stylish as the interiors, and their food is much appreciated. Not far from the Old City, Gatsby is tucked away in an ordinary street, but it's worth the trip.
Adresse: Hillel Street 18, Jerusalem
Telefon: +972 54 814 7143


With live music every night, Birman offers high quality food and entertainment for those into jazz, blues and soul. Exhibitions and jam sessions are accompanied by creative cocktails and delicious Middle Eastern bar food, making this place a real treat for a sophisticated yet cosy evening.
Adresse: Dorot Rishonim Street 8, Jerusalem
Telefon: +972 2 623 6115
Åpningstider: Sat-Thu 7pm-4am

The Sira Pub

An institution in Jerusalem, Sira is a carefree (if somewhat chaotic) student bar offering good beer and a crowded dance floor. DJs play electronic music as well as jazz and funk, keeping up a cool eclectic mix.
Adresse: Ben Sira Street 4, Jerusalem
Åpningstider: Sun-Thu 4pm-3am. Fri-Sat 2pm-5am


A chill place to dance to electronic music and dubstep and sip on cocktails, this disco bar has a cosmopolitan, underground atmosphere and hosts DJs every night. The staff is friendly and relaxed, prices affordable, and crowds made up primarily of hipsters and students. Cactus9 is mostly frequented by locals, but newcomers are heartily welcomed.
Adresse: Shushan Street 4, Jerusalem
Telefon: +972 54 482 3671

Old City Markets

The Old City teems with stalls and vendors selling a wide array of typical items: religious items such as rosaries and crucifixes, nativity sets and Christimas decorations, wood-carved chess, semi-precious stones and much more. The restored Cardo used to be the city's main street during Roman times, and today its stalls sell souvenirs and Judaica ceremonial art; you will also find jewellery and artwork, well-made but often high-priced. The Jewish Quarter is filled with bronze menorahs, kippahs and other traditional craftwork.
Adresse: Old City, Jerusalem

Alrov Mamilla Avenue

This big, fancy open air shopping mall is located close to the Old City, and offers a huge range of stores - from locally owned boutiques and Israeli design to high end fashion brands and affordable stores like Zara and Mango. The street is full of street artists, painters and musicians, and there's plenty of cafes and dining options.
Adresse: Alrov Mamilla Avenue, Jerusalem
Telefon: +972 2 636 0000
Åpningstider: Sun-Thu 9:30am-11pm. Fri 9am-3pm. Sat 8:30pm-11pm

Hutzot Hayotzer Artists Colony

Established in 1967, this lane hosts more than 20 art shops: come for a variety of handmade craft products, including jewellery, metal art, paintings, sculptures, photography, and pottery. You can meet the creators in a lively environment, and find both traditional and modern items. The Collective is found near the Mamilla Mall and on the way to the Old City. In August, during the Jerusalem Arts and Crafts Festival, you can visit the artists' studios and listen to live music at night.
Adresse: Hutzot Hayotzer Artists Colony, Felt Street, Jerusalem
Åpningstider: Sun-Thu 10am-5pm. Fri and holiday eves 10am-2pm

Baltinester Bros. Jewelry

For an unique, luxury souvenir of your trip, visit one of the most loved jewellery shops in Jerusalem. Baltinester Bros. have been working since 1949: they create custom pieces of jewellery, greeting every customer with friendly and knowledgeable service. They also sell Judaica.
Adresse: Jaffa Street 31, Jerusalem
Telefon: +972 2 625 2967
Åpningstider: Sun-Thu 10:30am-8:30pm. Fri 10:30am-3pm


Don't miss a visit to Ophir: open since 1956, this shop is an institution. Their jewellery is hand-crafted and draws inspiration from the European Victorian and Art Deco eras, as well as from Middle Eastern tradition. The collection of antiques is curious, unusual and well-selected. Prices are high, but fair.
Adresse: Jaffa Street 38, Jerusalem
Telefon: +972 2 624 9078
Åpningstider: Sun-Thu 9am-7pm. Fri 9am-1pm


Traditional Palestinian embroidery bristles with bright colours and fascinating motives: shop the best pieces at Sunbula, a non-profit fair trade organisation that sells a wide range of beautiful craft products. Here you will find rugs, pillowcases, tablecloths, napkins and gift ideas, and you'll be able to order pieces of clothing. Come for an ethical – and exciting – shopping experience.
Adresse: Nablus Road 15, Sheikh Jarrah, Jerusalem
Telefon: +972 2 672 1707
Åpningstider: Mon-Thu and Sat 12pm-6pm

Dorin Frankfurt

An Israeli fashion brand with a well-defined vision and personality, Dorin Frankfurt radiates classic, effortless elegance. The collections include ready-to-wear clothing, handbags, and shoes. The garments are manufactured in an ecological open-space factory. Extra care is dedicated to choosing quality fabrics and achieving perfect fits.
Adresse: Alrov Mamilla Boulevard, Floor 1, Jerusalem
Telefon: +972 3 554 0844
Åpningstider: Sun-Thu 10am-10pm. Fri 9am-14:30pm. Sat from half an hour after end of Shabbat until 10:30pm

Naama Bezalel

This Jerusarem-born fashion designer has made a name for herself thanks to her retro inspired aesthetic, reinterpreted in a nostalgic and romantic style. With an eye for sustainability and a focus on comfortable and flattering cuts, Naama's collections are charming and diverse. For affordable prices, check the nearby outlet, across the road.
Adresse: King George Street 27, Jerusalem
Telefon: +972 2 625 5611
Åpningstider: Sun-Thu 10am-10pm. Fri 9:30am-2:30pm


Another interesting spot for fashion lovers, this stylish gallery boasts a carefully selected collection of clothing and accessories from local brands. Quality materials and exciting design are showcased in a tastefully decorated interior, and the staff is ready to give help and suggestions.
Adresse: Bezalel Street 2, Jerusalem
Telefon: +972 2 625 2765

Bassem Gallery & Cafe

While visiting the Via Dolorosa, in the Old City, stopping at Bassem's is recommended. Its interiors are a burst of red and golden Middle-Eastern decor, and every corner is full of interesting items to buy. While enjoying the coffee and music, take a look at the books and ask for some tips to the warm-hearted owner.
Adresse: Via Dolorosa 38, Jerusalem
Telefon: +972 54 573 9629
Åpningstider: Sat-Thu 9am-7pm

Holzer Books

Every available shelf at Holzer Books is packed with volumes, both new and second hand: this atmospheric bookshop near the Old City has an impressive selection of texts in Hebrew, English, and more languages. Cultural events, talks and laboratories are frequently held in the cosy reading area upstairs.
Adresse: Jaffa Street 91, Jerusalem
Telefon: +972 76 543 3800
Åpningstider: Sun-Thu 9:30am-11pm. Fri 10am-3pm

Passport / Visa

To visit Israel you need a passport valid for at least six months from the date of entry. If you hold an Israeli passport, you will be required to present it upon arrival. Many countries have a Visa Waiver Program with Israel, which allows their citizens to visit Israel without a pre-arranged visa. Citizens of Australia, Canada, the EU, and the USA do not need a visa for touristic stays up to 90 days. Citizens of other countries can check if they need a visa at Because of diplomatic issues, you might not be able to travel to some Arab or predominantly Muslim countries if your passport shows an Israeli visa or stamp. To solve this problem, your visa will be stamped on a separate entry card when you arrive in Israel. Remember to bring your passport with you on trips to Palestinian territories: it will probably be required at checkpoints and border crossings.

Best Time to Visit

Jerusalem is pleasant to visit at any time of year. For affordable prices, relatively limited visitor numbers, and a warm, enjoyable weather, choose March-May and October-November. Summer is peak season, and hosts the busy, interesting Jerusalem Season of Culture festival; temperatures are high (around 25 to 35 °C, possibly more), and the city is packed with people. Winters are cool, much more than in nearby Tel Aviv, and can have unpredictable weather. The city gets particularly crowded and expensive during Jewish holidays (High Holy Days, Passover, and Sukkot) and the Christian Easter.

Health and Safety

Medical care in Jerusalem is very good, but very expensive: find yourself a good medical insurance for your trip. Although Jerusalem isn't usually a dangerous city, it's better to avoid the Old City at night. With Palestinian-Israeli issues coming to a boil, areas around places of worship in the Old City can become contentious, especially at noon on Friday. It is important to note that trips to the Gaza Strip, the West Bank, and Syrian and Lebanese borders must be carefully considered and require extra precautions. Make sure you get all the information you need and up-to-date travel and safety advice issued by your government prior to travel.

Tel Aviv-Ben Gurion Airport

The Ben Gurion Airport is located near Tel Aviv, 52km northwest of Jerusalem. It takes about an hour by taxi to get to the city. The easiest way to reach Jerusalem from the airport is probably by taxi. Taxi ranks at the airport are found at ground level at the Gate 3 exit, and on the second level at the Gate 21 exit. To help you hail a taxi, a taxi dispatcher service is available at two locations: Terminal 3, Level G, Gate 42 exit; or Terminal 1, near Gate 3. Alternatively, you can take the cheaper bus 485, run by the Afikim company. It goes from the airport to Jerusalem's Central Bus Station. It works Sun-Thu 24 hours a day, Fri 12pm-2pm and Sat from 7pm. Afikim: +972 052 999 6686 Nesher Taxi Service runs a mini-bus service from the airport to Jerusalem. It operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It works like a shared taxi: the route changes according to passengers' destinations, so be aware that the trip can take some time – you may have to be patient. Call them 48 hours in advance to book your seat. Nesher Taxi Service: +972 072 264 6059 Reaching Jerusalem by train is a bit complicated. You need to take a train from the Ben Gurion Airport station (located on Level S at the airport) to the Tel Aviv Hahagana station, and here change to a train to the Jerusalem station. You will then have to catch a bus to reach the city centre. Israel Railways:
Adresse: Tel Aviv-Ben Gurion Airport, Israel
Telefon: +972 3 972 3333

Public Transport

Public transport in Jerusalem consists of a bus service and a light rail, and it's run by the Egged company. Search for the most convenient routes on their website. Be aware that it is not possible to buy tickets directly on board. In order to use the transport system, you need to load a smart card called "Rav Kav": it is available at bus stations, kiosks, Cofix branches, and more. To re-load it, you can also go to automatic machines and light rail stations. The bus service runs mostly around the Central Bus Station and the Downtown Triangle (between Ben Yehuda Street, King George Street and Jaffa Road). The light rail line goes from Mount Herzl to Pisgat Zeev, South-West to North-East; it has stops near Jaffa Street and the Mahane Yehuda Market. The Mount Herzl final stop is close to the Yad Vashem memorial.
Telefon: +972 3 694 8888
Åpningstider: The system shuts down from Friday afternoon to Saturday after sunset


The best way to get around Jerusalem is probably by taxi: there's plenty of them on the street and they're not expensive by Western standards. You can hail them on the street, call their phone number, or ask your hotel reception. There is a small additional fare if you call by phone, and the tariff is higher at night (9pm-5:30am), on Friday afternoons and Saturdays, and on holiday eves. Make sure the taxi driver turns on the meter when you get in. For trips outside of town, you might want to negotiate a fare with the driver instead of using the meter. Bar-Ilan Taxis: +972 2 586 6666 [email protected] Hapisga Taxis: 2 Ha-Pisga Street, Jerusalem +972 2 642 2222


Find a centrally located post office at:
Adresse: Agripas Street 42, Jerusalem
Åpningstider: Sun-Thu 8am-6pm. Fri 8am-12pm


Pharmacies take turns being open on Shabbat: find an English list of them on the printed version of the Jerusalem Post ( ). Super-Pharm Mamilla:
Adresse: Shlomo ha-Melekh Street 9, Jerusalem
Telefon: +972 77 888 1450
Åpningstider: Sun-Thu 8:30am-12am. Fri 8:30am-4pm. Sat from an hour before Shabbat to 12am


Country Code: +972 Area Code: 2


230 V / 50 Hz The power sockets are type H; they also work with plug C.