Se hva du kan gjøre og oppleve i Orihuela

Orihuela truly has something for everyone. Excellent beaches, impressive natural expanses, unrivalled gold courses combine to create the landscape of the poet Miguel Hernández. The town's rich historical and cultural heritage includes many areas listed as Assets of Cultural Interest, traditional festivals, and a varied gastronomy.

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Miguel Henandez House Museum

This early 20th-century farmhouse was home to the poet and his family between 1914 and 1934. The museum retains the typical furniture and fittings typical of the area's homes from the last century, tougher with photographs and momentos from the poet's life.
Adresse: C/Miguel Hernández,73 03300 Orihuela, Alicante
Telefon: +0034 965306327
Åpningstider: MONDAY CLOSED, TUESDAY: 10.00-14.00h / 16.00h-20.00h, WEDNESDAY: 10.00-14.00h / 16.00h-20.00h, THURSDAY: 10.00-14.00h / 16.00h-20.00h, FRIDAY:10.00-14.00h / 16.00h-20.00h, SATURDAY:10.00-14.00h / 16.00h-20.00h, SUNDAY: 10.00-14.00h

San Isidro Murals

In May 1975, a "cultural spring" bloomed in the plazas and streets of Orihuela, particularly in Barrio San Isidro, to revive the life and work of the poet. More than a hundred painters took part in this collaborative project, telling their stories on 43 walls, including some who were there in 1976 (Pepe Azorín, Nicasio Cañaveras and Joan Castejon). The result can be viewed in the streets of Camino Viejo de Oriolet, Chopo, Acacia, Tomillo, San Isidro Labrador, Sauce, Algarrobo and Almendro; here you will find an open air gallery and museum, decorated with 53 murals of many colours and the green and ochre of the Sierra de Orihuela. You are invited to take this cultural and artistic journey through Barrio San Isidro, retracing the footsteps of the poet Miguel Hernández.
Adresse: Carrer Camí Vj Oriolet, Orihuela, Spain
Telefon: +0034 965302747 // 965304645
Åpningstider: 24/7

El Palmeral

An interesting agricultural system of intensive irrigation of Islamic origin with date-trees situated on the borders of the banks, paths and irrigation canals. You can either reach this area by means of path tracking through el Collado del Oriolet, or jog cross-country through the orchards of palm trees.
Adresse: Avenida Doctor García Rogel, 03300 Orihuela (Alicante)
Telefon: +0034 965304645

Medieval Market

The middle ages come to life each year in the Old Town. An unmissable ambience where the smell of spices, the colour of the craftsmen's work and products and the taste of foods at the different stalls make every visit a true festival for the senses!
Telefon: +0034 965 304 645

The Festival of the Reconquest of Moors & Christians

The celebration of the Reconquest of Orihuela has a secular tradition, which has been documented for more than 600 years. The main day of the Festival is the 17th July, the day of Saints Justa and Rufina. The month of July has become the most special month of the year in Orihuela, a celebration of local culture, traditions and symbols.
Adresse: Orihuela
Telefon: +0034 86530 4645

The Holy Week

One of the oldest religious and popular celebrations in the region, art and passion are united in this special week when all five senses are stimulated, the colour of spring, the smell of incense, the sound of the drums playing the traditional Easter hymn "Canto de la Pasión", the taste of concent delicacies.
Adresse: Orihuela
Telefon: +0034 965304645


This building is composed of a church, convent and university, all completed at different times. On the exterior, there are two striking renaissance doorways, featuring the founder's family coat of arms and the shield of the Dominican Order. The Baroque entrance to the University shows an allegoric figure representing wisdom. Human igures adorn the Baroque tower. Inside there are two magneficent cloisters, the Renaissance one in the convent and the University's own Baroque example. The church is a renaissance building with later Baroque additions. An interesting feature is the Renaissance doorway leading to the Sacrusty and refectory, dating from the late 16th Century with a fascinating base covered in Vatician tiling from the 18th Cantury.
Adresse: C/ Adolfo Clavarana, 51 Orihuela
Telefon: +0034 965302747 // 965304645

Salvador and Santa Maria Cathedral

Built on the remains of the old Moorish mosque, construction of this cathedral began in the 13th Century. It is of Levantine Gothic Style, with three naves and a gallery, a transept transformed by Pere Compte at the beginning of the 16th Century and side chapels between the buttresses. Of note inside is the ironwork, the Baroque organ, the work of Jacinto Perales and the choir stalls, made by Juan Bautista Borja and Tomás Llorens (1716-1718). The sacrity is home to the realic cabinet and cupboard, the work of José Ganga (1732-1734), holding diverse relics within a carved bust.
Adresse: C/ Ramón y Cajal, s/n. 03300 orihuela (Alicante)
Telefon: +0034 965302747 // 965304645

Episcopal Palace

Built on the land occupied earlier by the Corpus Christi hospital, one of the city's medieval hopitals. Building may have started in the 16th Century, soon after the establishment of the Orihuela Bishopric. It underwent profound changes in the 18th Century under the reigns of Bishops José Flores Ososrio and pedro Albornoa Tapia. It is now home to the Diocese Museum of Sacred Art. At the back, facing the river, there is a gallery with semi-circular arches. Inside, another striking feature is the cloister with heraldic decoration, the main staircase, of res Alicante marbel and the dome built on an octagonal base, with exterior cobalt blue glazed tiles.
Adresse: C/ Ramón y Cajal, s/n. 03300 orihuela (Alicante)
Telefon: +0034 965302747 // 965304645

The Town Hall Museum

Located in the basement of the "Casa del Paso" building, on the Salesas Campus of the Miguel Hernández University, this museum houses an interesting and well organised archaeological site, set up after various stages of excavation between 1998 and 2000. Significant architectural heritage sites are well conserved: The town wall, four watch-towers dating back to the Almohad era (Designated Cultural sites since 14/12/1998), Arab baths, Islamic and early medievals streets and homes, a Gothic palace and architectural remains of the Casa del Paso(17th Century). Furthermore, remains dating back from the second half of the 12th Century to the 20th Century have been recovered.
Adresse: C/ del Río, s/n. 03300 orihuela (Alicante)
Telefon: +0034 965302747 // 965304645

The Royal Monastery

Built on a site of a Jesuit college, this neoclassical monastery was built between 1826 and 1832. On the outside, the facade is made from black and red marble, featuring the shields of Spain and Portugal, Saint Charles Borromeo, Saint Jane of Chantal and Saint Francis of Assisi. Inside the church, built in the shape of a Latin cross, there is an interesting collection of religious paintings by the Court painter, Vicente López and his school (Valencia)
Adresse: C/ Las Salesas. 03300 orihuela (Alicante)
Telefon: +0034 965302747 // 965304645

Parish Church of Sanits Justa & Rufina

Built on the remains of one of the Islamic city's mosques, this church is dedicated to the city's patron saints, who were martyred during the Reconquest of the City (1243). The presbytery is in Renaissance style, as is the side doorway, known as the Anunciación. Single nave Gothic temple, with side chapels between the buttresses, dating back to the 14th and 15th Centuries. Parallel to the nave is the Communion Chapel, in Baroque style. The main facade includes the Gradas doorway, also Baroque, the work of Antonio Villanueva and Cristóbal Sánchez, in the borrominesca style. n the corners, there are gargoyle-shaped drains and sculpture of mythical beasts.
Adresse: C/ Santa Justa, s/n. 03300 Orihuela (Alicante)
Telefon: +0034 965302747 // 965304645

San Juan de Dios Local Archaeological Museum

The Orihuela Archaeology Museum houses materials spanning a lengthy period, from the Paleolithic to the early 19th Century. The majority is from the town and its surroundings. The same building is also home to the Exhibition Hall, which is the former hospital's Men's ward, a spacious rectangular room, covered with barrel vaulting. This is where temporary exhibitions and diverse cultural acts are held.
Adresse: C/ Hospital, 3. 03300 Orihuela (Alicante)
Telefon: +0034 965302747 // 965304645

Santiago Parish Church

Built upon the remains of one of the Islamic city's mosques, this church dates to between 1402 and 1417. A single nave church, with side chapels between the buttresses, the original Gothic structure was heavily modified due to restoration and extensions built between the 16th and 18th Centuries. In more Baroque style is the adjoining communion chapel, with its entrance, wich was constructed from 1726 to 1735.
Adresse: Plaza de Santiago 2. 03300 Orihuela (Alicante)
Telefon: +0034 965302747 // 965304645

Our Lady of Monserrate Sanctuary

A Baroque temple in the shape of the Latin Cross with a Neoclassic facade featuring the anagram of Our Lady of Monserrate, the interior of this building features the Hallazgo chapel, which houses a cave, the site on which the image of the Virgin Mary appeared and above her, the old niche, today dedicated to the Cristo de la Buena Muerte. The high altar houses the niche with the Virgin of Monserrate, the city Patron Saint.
Adresse: C/ Santiago, 10. 03300 Orihuela (Alicante)
Telefon: +0034 965302747 // 965304645

San Isidro Murals 1976

In May 1976, a "cultural spring" bloomed in the plazas and streets of the city, particularly in Barrio San Isidro, reviving the life and the work of the beloved poet Miguel Hernandez. More than a hundred painters took part in this collaborative project, telling their stories on 43 walls. The result can be viewed in the streets of Camino Viejo de Oriolet, Chopo, Acacia, Tomillo, San Isidro Labrador, Sauce, Algarrobo and Almendro; here you will find an open air gallery and museum, decorated with 53 murals of many colours and the green and ochre of the Sierra de Orihuela. You are invited to take this cultural and artistic journey through Barrio San Isidro, retracing the footsteps of the poet Miguel Hernández.
Adresse: Carrer Camí Vj Oriolet, Orihuela, Spain
Telefon: +0034 965302747 // 965304645
Åpningstider: 24/7


This house was home to the poet and his family between 1914 and 1934. It was a farmhouse, much in line with others which existed in the same street in the early 20th Century. The museum retains the furniture and fittings typical of the area's homes from the last century, tougher with photographs from different moments os the poet's lifetime.
Adresse: C/Miguel Hernández,73 03300 Orihuela, Alicante
Telefon: +0034 965306327
Åpningstider: MONDAY CLOSED, TUESDAY: 10.00-14.00h / 16.00h-20.00h, WEDNESDAY: 10.00-14.00h / 16.00h-20.00h, THURSDAY: 10.00-14.00h / 16.00h-20.00h, FRIDAY:10.00-14.00h / 16.00h-20.00h, SATURDAY:10.00-14.00h / 16.00h-20.00h, SUNDAY: 10.00-14.00h


It constitutes an interesting agricultural system of intensive irrigation of Islamic origin with date-trees situated on the borders of the banks, paths and irrigation canals. You can either reach this area by means of path tracking through el Collado del Oriolet, or go jogging or cross-country through the orchards of palm trees.
Adresse: Avenida Doctor García Rogel, 03300 Orihuela (Alicante)
Telefon: +0034 965304645


Every year the old part of the town becomes the ideal setting for recreating the middle ages when it puts on its Medieval Market. The visitor is taken back to the past in a special ambiance where the smell of spices, the colour of the craftsmen's work and products and the taste of foods at the different stalls makes a visit a true festival for the senses!
Telefon: +0034 965 304 645


The celebration of the Reconquest of Orihuela has a secular tradition, which has been documented for more than 600 years, and it is for this reason that the Moors and Christians Festival in its present form, founded in 1974, revolves around this event and this celebration so that they have become inextricably linked. The main day of the Festival is the 17th July, the day of Saints Justa and Rufina, to whose intervention in the exploits of la Armengola is attributed in popular tradition the definitive conquest of the Muslim fortress that dominated the city. The Moors and Christians Festival is engraved on the soul of Orihuela. The month of July has become the most special month of the year. A month to promote Orihuela’s culture, traditions and symbols.
Adresse: Orihuela
Telefon: +0034 86530 4645


Declarated of International Tourist Interest. Is one of the oldest religious and popular celebrations in the south east area of Spain. Easter in Orihuela is not only renowned for its monuments,scenery, tradition and Mediterranean light but also for its history and artistic quality. Art and passion are united in this special week when all five senses are stimulated, the colour of spring, the smell of incense, the soundof the drums playing the traditional Easter hymn "Canto de la Pasión", the taste of concent delicacies..., so that thousands of people can enjoy the "Very Nobel, Loyal and Forever Faithful City of Orihuela". a symbol of mediterranean merge with the true kindness and hospitality of the locals.
Adresse: Orihuela
Telefon: +0034 965304645


This building is composed of a church, convent and university, all completed at different times. On the exterior, there are two striking renaissance doorways, featuring the founder's family coat of arms and the shield of the Dominican Order. The Baroque entrance to the University shows an allegoric figure representing wisdom. Human igures adorn the Baroque tower. Inside are two magneficent cloisters, the Renaissance one in the convent and the University own Baroque example. The church is renaissance building with later Barowue addition. An interesting feature in the Renaissance doorway leading to the Sacrusty and refectory, dating from the late 16th Century with a fascinating base covered in Vatican tiling from the 18th Century.
Adresse: C/ Adolfo Clavarana, 51 Orihuela
Telefon: +0034 965302747 // 965304645


Built on the remains of the old Moorish mosque, it started out as a Parish Church, ascending in importance, as Archiprestal (1281), Collegiate (1413) and finally becoming a Cathedral in 1510. Building started at the end of the 13th Century. It is of Levantine Gothic Style, with three naves and a gallery, a transept transformed by Pere Compte at the beginning of the 16th Century and side chapels between the buttresses. Of note inside is the ironwork, the Baroque organ, the work of Jacinto Perales and the choir stalls, made by Juan Bautista Borja and Tomás Llorens (1716-1718). The sacrity is home to the realic cabinet and cupboard, the work of José Ganga (1732-1734), holding diverse relics within a carved bust. On the outside, of note in the Tower, built between the late 13th Century and the mid-14th Century, the same as the three main gateways, The Puerta de Cadenas (14th Century), Puerta de Loreto (15th Century) and finally, the Portada de la Anunciación, completed by Juan Inglés in 1558.
Adresse: C/ Ramón y Cajal, s/n. 03300 orihuela (Alicante)
Telefon: +0034 965302747 // 965304645


Built on the land occupied earlier by the Corpus Christi hospital, one of the city's medieval hopitals. In 1558 the city exchanged plots with Archishop Esteban Almeyda and the hospital was relocated to the Parish of Santiago. Building may have started in the 16th Century, soon after the establishment of the Orihuela Bishopric. It underwent profound changes in the 18th Century under the reigns of Bishops José Flores Ososrio and pedro Albornoa Tapia. In the mid-20th Century it lost its original functions, was restored at the beginning of the 21st Century and is currently home to the Diocese Museum os Sacred Art. At the back, facing the river, there is a gallery with semi-circular arches. Inside, another striking feature is the cloister with heraldic decoration, the main staircase, of res Alicante marbel and the dome built on an octagonal base, with exterior cobalt blue glazed tiles.
Adresse: C/ Ramón y Cajal, s/n. 03300 orihuela (Alicante)
Telefon: +0034 965302747 // 965304645


The Wall Museum is located in the basement of the "Casa del Paso" building, on the Salesas Campus of the Miguel Hernández University. It also houses an interesting and well organised archaeological site, set up after various stages of excavation between 1998 and 2000. Significant architectural heritage sites are well conserved: The town wall, four watch-towers dating back to the Almohad era (Designated Cultural sites since 14/12/1998), Arab baths, Islamic and early medievals streets and homes, a Gothic palace and architectural remains of the Casa del Paso(17th Century). Furthemore, remians dating back from the second half of the 12th Century to the 20th Century have been recovered. During the visit, around the perimer path and glazed walkways, there is also a variety of complementary resources to help interpret the findings, such as display panels,scale models, signposts, display cases and a video.
Adresse: C/ del Río, s/n. 03300 orihuela (Alicante)
Telefon: +0034 965302747 // 965304645


It was built on a site of a Jesus college. It was a foundation, set up by clerics from Madrid's Royal Monastery (Monasterio de la Visitación), under the patronage of the princes Carlos María Isidro de Borbón and his wife, María de Asís de Braganza y Borbón. Built in neoclassical style, between 1826 and 1832. On the outside, the facade is made from black and red marbel, featuring the shields of Spain and Portugal, Saint Charles Borromeo, Saint Jane of Chantal and Saint Francis of Assisi. Inside the church, built in the shape of a Latin cross, there is an interesting collection of religious paintings by the Court painter, Vicente López and his school (Valencia)
Adresse: C/ Las Salesas. 03300 orihuela (Alicante)
Telefon: +0034 965302747 // 965304645


Built on the remains of one of the Islamic city's mosques. It is dedicated ti the city's patron saints, since the date of their martyrdom coincides with the "Reconquista" of the city, wich traditionally is believed to have taken place on 17th July 1243. Single nave gothic temple, with side chapels between the buttresses, dating back to the 14th and 15th Centuries. The presbytery is in Renaissance style, as is the side doorway, known as the Anunciación. Parallel to the nave is the Communion Chapel, os Baroque style. The main facade includes the Gradas doorway, also Baroque, the work of Antonio Villanueva and Cristóbal Sánchez, in the borrominesca style. Special mention must be made of the bell tower, of Gothic style and remarkably slender, wich must have been completed in the mid-15th Century. In the corners, there are gargoyle-shaped drains and sculpture of mythical beasts. Also os interest is the clock, wich was commisioned by the town council in 1439.
Adresse: C/ Santa Justa, s/n. 03300 Orihuela (Alicante)
Telefon: +0034 965302747 // 965304645


The Orihuela Archaeology Museum is successor to the old Santo Domingo Museum of Antiquities, founded in 1902 by the Jesuit priest, Julio Furgús who donated a number of pieces. It was created by the Orihuela Town Council (thanks to the authorisation of the Ministry os Education and Culture, on 16th February 1970) and was housed at various times, in the "Palacio de Teodomiro", at the Municipal Hospital, at the Rubalcaba Palace and since 1997, at its present site, the Church of San Juan de Dios, itself built in the mid-18th Century. The Archaelogical Museum houses materials spanning a lengthy period, from the Paleolithic to the early 19th Century. The majority is from the town and its surroundings and were discovered at excavations and prospections by the Museum itself. The same building is also home to the Exhibition Hall, which is the former hospital's Men's ward, a spacious rectangular room, covered with barrel vaulting. This is where temporary exhibitions and diverse cultural acts are held.
Adresse: C/ Hospital, 3. 03300 Orihuela (Alicante)
Telefon: +0034 965302747 // 965304645


Built upon the remains of one of the Islamic city's mosques, dating back, according to the oldest documentary evidence, between 1402 and 1417. A single nave church, with side chapels between the buttresses. The original Gothic structure was heavily modified due to restoration and extensions built between the 16th and 18th Centuries. Of note inside is the Renaissance presbyter, in the shape of a triumphal arch and the chapel dedicated to the "Holy Famiy" (1765-1766), by the school of Francisco Salzillo, Sculptor. Its main entrance, in the Isabelline Gothic style, has, at its apex, the Shield of the Catholic Kings. In more Baroque style is the adjoining communion chapel, with its entrance, wich was constructed from 1726 to 1735.
Adresse: Plaza de Santiago 2. 03300 Orihuela (Alicante)
Telefon: +0034 965302747 // 965304645


According to tradition, it was built over the former gothic Parish of Saint Julian, after unearthing the image of the Virgin Mary once the city had been recaptured from its Moorish occupiers. It is a Baroque temple in the shape of the Latin Cross with a Neoclassic facade featuring the anagram of Our Lady of Monserrate. The interior features the Hallazgo chaoel, which louses a cave, the site on which the image of the Virgin Mary appeared and above her, the old niche, today dedicated to the Cristo de la Buena Muerte. The high altar houses the niche with the Virgin of Monserrate, the city Patron Saint.
Adresse: C/ Santiago, 10. 03300 Orihuela (Alicante)
Telefon: +0034 965302747 // 965304645


In may 1976, a great wavw arrived in Orihuela, coming from many parts of the world this was the tribute to Miguel Hernández. An actual "cultural spring" bloomed in the plazas and streets of the city, particularly in Barrio San Isidro, reviving the life and the work of the poet- To that historic birthplace came painters, writers and musicians, set in the context of difficult tiomes and uncertain transition, reclaming the freedom that had been absent from lives. It was an event that still remains recorded in collective memory, not only of the passionate Hernández devotees, but of everyone who defended democratic freedom. In that time of hope, doubt and anxiety culture elevated the spirit of the people. More than thirty five years have passes and to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the poer's death, on the 28th March, 2012, the Culture Department of Orihuela Ayuntamiento, in collaboration with many involved in the cultural life of Orihuela, undertook the task of restoring the murals in Barrio San Isidro; once again covering the walls of the houses with murals with echoes of profound cultural and political significance. More than a hundred painters took part in this collaborative project, telling their stories on 43 walls, including some who were there in 1976 (Pepe Azorín, Nicasio Cañaveras and Joan Castejon), people from the Barrio San Isidro, primary and secondary trachers and their pupils, a group of disabled people; a true exercise in citizen participation. The proyect involved people working together with paintbrushes and rollers to essentially recreate the life and work of Miguel Hernández who died defending freedom and his belief in a just world. The result can be viewed in the streets of Camino Viejo de Oriolet, Chopo, Acacia, Tomillo, San Isidro Labrador, Sauce, Algarrobo and Almendro; here you will find an open air gallery and museum, decorated with 53 murals of many colours and the green and ochre of the Sierra de Orihuela. You are invited to take this cultural and artistic journey through Barrio San Isidro, retracing the footsteps of the poet Miguel Hernández.
Adresse: Carrer Camí Vj Oriolet, Orihuela, Spain
Telefon: +0034 965302747 // 965304645
Åpningstider: 24/7

Sierra de Orihuela

This 9.4km long limestone mountain range overshadows the city of Orihuela. The highest point is Peña de Orihuela (634 m), and its steep cliffs have made it popular with rock climbers. On Monte St. Miguel, hikers can explore the ruins of Castillo de Orihuela, as well as take in views of the city.
Adresse: 03316, Alicante, Spain


Casa Corro, a family business with more than 100 years of experience at the stroke of a traditional pot and stew. The restaurant has recited countless awards and mentions such as the recognition in the XII Congress "The Best of Gastronomy", as 2 of the 5 best Cooks of Spain in traditional cuisine.
Adresse: Av. Dr. García Rogel, 23, Orihuela
Telefon: +34 965 30 29 63
Åpningstider: Monday closed


Seafood and fish in the Mediterranean restaurant with a tapas bar and dining area
Adresse: Av. Teodomiro, 18, 03300 Orihuela, Alicante
Telefon: 966 74 34 15
Åpningstider: Thursday11.00–16:00, 20:00–23:30 , Friday 11.00–16:00, 20:00–23:30, Saturday 11:00–16:00, 20:00–23:30 Sunday closed, Monday 11:00–16:00, 20:00–23:30, Tuesday 11:00–16:00, 20:00–23:30, Wednesday 11:00–16:00, 20:00–23:30, Bank holiday- The time table could change


Beautiful restaurant by the sea with 40 years old. Specialists in rice, fish, seafood and rations to share. Iberian ham and salted meat.
Adresse: Urbanización Campoamor, Av. de las Adelfas, s/n, 03189 Dehesa de Campoamor, Alicante
Telefon: +0034 965 32 01 89
Åpningstider: MONDAY 10:00–24:00 TUESDAY 10:00–24:00 WEDNESDAY 10:00–24:00 THURSDAY 10:00–24:00 FRIDAY 10:00–24:00 SATURDAY 10:00–24:00 SUNDAY 10:00–24:00


Mediterranean food. * We have a menu from Monday to Sunday (drink, coffee and dessert included) / Rice on request. categories
Adresse: Plaza Del Salvador, 3 (Frente Catedral) 03300 Orihuela
Telefon: +0034 628 62 33 45
Åpningstider: MONDAY 9:30-17:30 TUESDAY: 9:30-17:30 WEDNESDAY: 9:30-17:30 THURSDAY: 9:30-23:30 FRIDAY: 9:30-23:30 SATURDAY: 11:30-23:30 SUNDAY: 11:30-17:3


The mission of BOMBON BOSS is that you enjoy a special time at any time of the day you choose to visit us. We have been offering since 1992 our delicatessen and our bread.
Adresse: Calle Jade 2 , Orihuela Costa Orihuela LA ZENIA BOULEVARD
Telefon: +0034 966 74 41 40


Åpningstider: MONDAY 9:00-0:00 TUESDAY 9:00-0:00 WEDNESDAY: 9:00-0:00 THURSDAY: 9:00-0:00 FRIDAY: 9:00-0:00 SATURDAY: 9:00-0:00 SUNDAY: 9:00-0:00


Adresse: C/ de los Claveles,SN Playa Flamenca Orihuela Costa
Telefon: +0034 965 32 18 45
Åpningstider: MONDAY:9:00-0:00 TUESDAY: 9:00-0:00 WEDNESDAY: 9:00-0:00 THURSDAY: 9:00-0:00 FRIDAY: 9:00-0:00 SATURDAY: 9:00-0:00 SUNDAY: 9:00-0:00


Adresse: C/de los Geranios,sn. Playa Flamenca, Orihuela Costa
Telefon: +0034 965 32 18 45
Åpningstider: MONDAY: 9:00-0:00 TUESDAY: 9:00-0:00 WEDNESDAY: 9:00-0:00 THURSDAY: 9:00-0:00 FRIDAY: 9:00-0:00 SATURDAY: 9:00-0:00 SUNDAY: 9:00-0:00


Telefon: +0034 965 32 18 45
Åpningstider: MONDAY:9:00-0:00 TUESDAY: 9:00-0:00 WEDNESDAY: 9:00-0:00 THURSDAY: 9:00-0:00 FRIDAY: 9:00-0:00 SATURDAY: 9:00-0:00 SUNDAY: 9:00-0:00


Adresse: C/Paseo del Mar,s/n. La Zenia, Orihuela Costa
Telefon: +0034 965 32 18 45
Åpningstider: MONDAY:9:00-0:00 TUESDAY: 9:00-0:00 WEDNESDAY: 9:00-0:00 THURSDAY: 9:00-0:00 FRIDAY: 9:00-0:00 SATURDAY: 9:00-0:00 SUNDAY: 9:00-0:00


Adresse: C/ de la Caleta, s/n. Cabo Roig, Orihuela Costa
Telefon: +0034 965 32 18 45
Åpningstider: MONDAY: 9:00-0:00 TUESDAY: 9:00-0:00 WEDNESDAY: 9:00-0:00 THURSDAY: 9:00-0:00 FRIDAY: 9:00-0:00 SATURDAY: 9:00-0:00 SUNDAY: 9:00-0:00


Adresse: C/ de Cala Capitan, s/n. Cabo Roig, Orihuela Costa.
Telefon: +0034 965 32 18 45
Åpningstider: MONDAY: 9:00-0:00 TUESDAY: 9:00-0:00 WEDNESDAY: 9:00-0:00 THURSDAY: 9:00-0:00 FRIDAY: 9:00-0:00 SATURDAY: 9:00-0:00 SUNDAY: 9:00-0:00


Adresse: C/ Antonio Gala,s/n. La Regia, Orihuela Costa.
Telefon: +0034 965 32 18 45
Åpningstider: MONDAY: 9:00-0:00 TUESDAY: 9:00-0:00 WEDNESDAY: 9:00-0:00 THURSDAY: 9:00-0:00 FRIDAY: 9:00-0:00 SATURDAY: 9:00-0:00 SUNDAY: 9:00-0:00


Adresse: Avenida de las Adelfas s/n. Campoamor, Orihuela Costa.
Telefon: +0034 965 32 18 45
Åpningstider: MONDAY: 9:00-0:00 TUESDAY: 9:00-0:00 WEDNESDAY: 9:00-0:00 THURSDAY: 9:00-0:00 FRIDAY: 9:00-0:00 SATURDAY: 9:00-0:00 SUNDAY: 9:00-0:00


Adresse: C/Calderón de la Barca,s/n. Dehesa de Campoamor, Orihuela Costa.
Telefon: +0034 965 32 18 45
Åpningstider: MONDAY: 9:00-0:00 TUESDAY: 9:00-0:00 WEDNESDAY: 9:00-0:00 THURSDAY: 9:00-0:00 FRIDAY: 9:00-0:00 SATURDAY: 9:00-0:00 SUNDAY: 9:00-0:00


Adresse: C/ Vistamar,s/n. Mil Palmeras, Orihuela Costa.
Telefon: +0034 965 32 18 45
Åpningstider: MONDAY: 9:00-0:00 TUESDAY: 9:00-0:00 WEDNESDAY: 9:00-0:00 THURSDAY: 9:00-0:00 FRIDAY: 9:00-0:00 SATURDAY: 9:00-0:00 SUNDAY: 9:00-0:00


Bar of pintxos of kitchen in miniature and zuritos of beer or wine in chain of Basque taverns self-service.
Adresse: C.C. La Zenia Boulevard, Jade, 2, 03189, Alicante
Telefon: +0034 965 32 48 53
Åpningstider: MONDAY:11:00–23:00 TUESDAY:11:00–23:00 WEDNESDAY:11:00–23:00 THURSDAY:11:00–23:00 FRIDAY:11:00–23:00 SATURDAY:11:00–23:00 SUNDAY:11:00–24:00


Come and enjoy healthy Spanish food, try it and you will not regret it, we work for and for you
Telefon: +0034 675695022
Åpningstider: MONDAY:11:00-0:00 TUESDAY: 11:00-0:00 WEDNESDAY: 11:00-0:00 THURSDAY: 11:00-0:00 FRIDAY: 11:00-0:00 SATURDAY: 11:00-0:00 SUNDAYo: 11:00-0:00


In El Lío gastrobar we have a commitment to quality tourism, we offer our products with guarantee, taste and design, at unbeatable prices. The best service in fast food, homemade desserts and premium drinks.
Adresse: Avda. Teodomiro, 17 B4 Orihuela


Casa Corro, a family business with more than 100 years of experience at the stroke of a traditional pot and stew. The restaurant has recited countless awards and mentions such as the recognition in the XII Congress "The Best of Gastronomy", as 2 of the 5 best Cooks of Spain in traditional cuisine.
Adresse: Av. Dr. García Rogel, 23, Orihuela
Telefon: +34 965 30 29 63
Åpningstider: Monday closed


Seafood and fish in the Mediterranean restaurant with a tapas bar and dining area
Adresse: Av. Teodomiro, 18, 03300 Orihuela, Alicante
Telefon: 966 74 34 15
Åpningstider: Thursday11.00–16:00, 20:00–23:30 , Friday 11.00–16:00, 20:00–23:30, Saturday 11:00–16:00, 20:00–23:30 Sunday closed, Monday 11:00–16:00, 20:00–23:30, Tuesday 11:00–16:00, 20:00–23:30, Wednesday 11:00–16:00, 20:00–23:30, Bank holiday- The time table could change


Mediterranean food. * We have a menu from Monday to Sunday (drink, coffee and dessert included) / Rice on request. categories
Adresse: Plaza Del Salvador, 3 (Frente Catedral) 03300 Orihuela
Telefon: +0034 628 62 33 45
Åpningstider: MONDAY 9:30-17:30 TUESDAY: 9:30-17:30 WEDNESDAY: 9:30-17:30 THURSDAY: 9:30-23:30 FRIDAY: 9:30-23:30 SATURDAY: 11:30-23:30 SUNDAY: 11:30-17:3


The mission of BOMBON BOSS is that you enjoy a special time at any time of the day you choose to visit us. We have been offering since 1992 our delicatessen and our bread.
Adresse: Calle Jade 2 , Orihuela Costa Orihuela LA ZENIA BOULEVARD
Telefon: +0034 966 74 41 40


Come and enjoy healthy Spanish food, try it and you will not regret it, we work for and for you
Telefon: +0034 675695022
Åpningstider: MONDAY:11:00-0:00 TUESDAY: 11:00-0:00 WEDNESDAY: 11:00-0:00 THURSDAY: 11:00-0:00 FRIDAY: 11:00-0:00 SATURDAY: 11:00-0:00 SUNDAYo: 11:00-0:00


New Bar Juani, completely renovated with new staff and new tapas. Enjoy meals, dinners and the best tapas !!
Adresse: C/ Sol, 17. 03300. Orihuela (Alicante)
Telefon: 966 34 01 98


In El Lío gastrobar we have a commitment to quality tourism, we offer our products with guarantee, taste and design, at unbeatable prices. The best service in fast food, homemade desserts and premium drinks.
Adresse: Avda. Teodomiro, 17 B4 Orihuela

Casa Corro Restaurant

Casa Corro, a family business with more than 100 years of experience at the stroke of a traditional pot and stew. The restaurant has recited countless awards and mentions such as the recognition in the XII Congress "The Best of Gastronomy", as 2 of the 5 best Cooks of Spain in traditional cuisine.
Adresse: Av. Dr. García Rogel, 23, Orihuela
Telefon: +34 965 30 29 63
Åpningstider: Monday closed


Beautiful restaurant by the sea with 40 years old. Specialists in rice, fish, seafood and rations to share. Iberian ham and salted meat.
Adresse: Urbanización Campoamor, Av. de las Adelfas, s/n, 03189 Dehesa de Campoamor, Alicante
Telefon: +0034 965 32 01 89
Åpningstider: MONDAY 10:00–24:00 TUESDAY 10:00–24:00 WEDNESDAY 10:00–24:00 THURSDAY 10:00–24:00 FRIDAY 10:00–24:00 SATURDAY 10:00–24:00 SUNDAY 10:00–24:00


Mediterranean food. * We have a menu from Monday to Sunday (drink, coffee and dessert included) / Rice on request. categories
Adresse: Plaza Del Salvador, 3 (Frente Catedral) 03300 Orihuela
Telefon: +0034 628 62 33 45
Åpningstider: MONDAY 9:30-17:30 TUESDAY: 9:30-17:30 WEDNESDAY: 9:30-17:30 THURSDAY: 9:30-23:30 FRIDAY: 9:30-23:30 SATURDAY: 11:30-23:30 SUNDAY: 11:30-17:3




In keeping with the needs of the environment, the company has focused much of its policy on sustainability and environmental conservation. And there is a very marked communion between Chiringuitos del Sol and Oriolan beaches, where our company has been developing a great commitment to the maintenance of this magnificent coastline. Proof of this has been the national prize "Chiringuito por el clima 2015" or the achievement of the "Chiringuito responsable" seal in 2013. Amos awards were granted by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment and the Biodiversity Foundation. Recognitions that do not stop being just another example in the set of actions that the company has been carrying out all these years. It was the first company in its sector certified by the distinctive ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 as excellent in terms of the environment. The first of these stamps confirms good practices in continuous quality management, while the second reflects the balance between maintaining profitability and reducing the impact on the environment. In the same way we periodically develop awareness-raising events in the maintenance and conservation of the coast of the Oriolan coast. During 2016, together with Frigo and the City Council of Orihuela, we developed the action "The Beach is in your hands", through which we will distribute advisors of clean beaches throughout the coast of Orihuela.
Adresse: C/ de los Claveles,SN Playa Flamenca Orihuela Costa
Telefon: +0034 965 32 18 45


In keeping with the needs of the environment, the company has focused much of its policy on sustainability and environmental conservation. And there is a very marked communion between Chiringuitos del Sol and Oriolan beaches, where our company has been developing a great commitment to the maintenance of this magnificent coastline. Proof of this has been the national prize "Chiringuito por el clima 2015" or the achievement of the "Chiringuito responsable" seal in 2013. Amos awards were granted by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment and the Biodiversity Foundation. Recognitions that do not stop being just another example in the set of actions that the company has been carrying out all these years. It was the first company in its sector certified by the distinctive ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 as excellent in terms of the environment. The first of these stamps confirms good practices in continuous quality management, while the second reflects the balance between maintaining profitability and reducing the impact on the environment. In the same way we periodically develop awareness-raising events in the maintenance and conservation of the coast of the Oriolan coast. During 2016, together with Frigo and the City Council of Orihuela, we developed the action "The Beach is in your hands", through which we will distribute advisors of clean beaches throughout the coast of Orihuela.
Adresse: C/de los Geranios,sn. Playa Flamneca, Orihuela Costa
Telefon: +0034 965 32 18 45
Åpningstider: MONDAY: 9:00-0:00 TUESDAY: 9:00-0:00 WEDNESDAY: 9:00-0:00 THURSDAY: 9:00-0:00 FRIDAY: 9:00-0:00 SATURDAY: 9:00-0:00 SUNDAY: 9:00-0:00


In keeping with the needs of the environment, the company has focused much of its policy on sustainability and environmental conservation. And there is a very marked communion between Chiringuitos del Sol and Oriolan beaches, where our company has been developing a great commitment to the maintenance of this magnificent coastline. Proof of this has been the national prize "Chiringuito por el clima 2015" or the achievement of the "Chiringuito responsable" seal in 2013. Amos awards were granted by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment and the Biodiversity Foundation. Recognitions that do not stop being just another example in the set of actions that the company has been carrying out all these years. It was the first company in its sector certified by the distinctive ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 as excellent in terms of the environment. The first of these stamps confirms good practices in continuous quality management, while the second reflects the balance between maintaining profitability and reducing the impact on the environment. In the same way we periodically develop awareness-raising events in the maintenance and conservation of the coast of the Oriolan coast. During 2016, together with Frigo and the City Council of Orihuela, we developed the action "The Beach is in your hands", through which we will distribute advisors of clean beaches throughout the coast of Orihuela.
Telefon: +0034 965 32 18 45
Åpningstider: MONDAY:9:00-0:00 TUESDAY: 9:00-0:00 WEDNESDAY: 9:00-0:00 THURSDAY: 9:00-0:00 FRIDAY: 9:00-0:00 SATURDAY: 9:00-0:00 SUNDAY: 9:00-0:00


In keeping with the needs of the environment, the company has focused much of its policy on sustainability and environmental conservation. And there is a very marked communion between Chiringuitos del Sol and Oriolan beaches, where our company has been developing a great commitment to the maintenance of this magnificent coastline. Proof of this has been the national prize "Chiringuito por el clima 2015" or the achievement of the "Chiringuito responsable" seal in 2013. Amos awards were granted by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment and the Biodiversity Foundation. Recognitions that do not stop being just another example in the set of actions that the company has been carrying out all these years. It was the first company in its sector certified by the distinctive ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 as excellent in terms of the environment. The first of these stamps confirms good practices in continuous quality management, while the second reflects the balance between maintaining profitability and reducing the impact on the environment. In the same way we periodically develop awareness-raising events in the maintenance and conservation of the coast of the Oriolan coast. During 2016, together with Frigo and the City Council of Orihuela, we developed the action "The Beach is in your hands", through which we will distribute advisors of clean beaches throughout the coast of Orihuela.
Adresse: C/Paseo del Mar,s/n. La Zenia, Orihuela Costa
Telefon: +0034 965 32 18 45
Åpningstider: MONDAY:9:00-0:00 TUESDAY: 9:00-0:00 WEDNESDAY: 9:00-0:00 THURSDAY: 9:00-0:00 FRIDAY: 9:00-0:00 SATURDAY: 9:00-0:00 SUNDAY: 9:00-0:00


In keeping with the needs of the environment, the company has focused much of its policy on sustainability and environmental conservation. And there is a very marked communion between Chiringuitos del Sol and Oriolan beaches, where our company has been developing a great commitment to the maintenance of this magnificent coastline. Proof of this has been the national prize "Chiringuito por el clima 2015" or the achievement of the "Chiringuito responsable" seal in 2013. Amos awards were granted by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment and the Biodiversity Foundation. Recognitions that do not stop being just another example in the set of actions that the company has been carrying out all these years. It was the first company in its sector certified by the distinctive ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 as excellent in terms of the environment. The first of these stamps confirms good practices in continuous quality management, while the second reflects the balance between maintaining profitability and reducing the impact on the environment. In the same way we periodically develop awareness-raising events in the maintenance and conservation of the coast of the Oriolan coast. During 2016, together with Frigo and the City Council of Orihuela, we developed the action "The Beach is in your hands", through which we will distribute advisors of clean beaches throughout the coast of Orihuela.
Adresse: C/ de la Caleta, s/n. Cabo Roig, Orihuela Costa
Telefon: +0034 965 32 18 45
Åpningstider: MONDAY: 9:00-0:00 TUESDAY: 9:00-0:00 WEDNESDAY: 9:00-0:00 THURSDAY: 9:00-0:00 FRIDAY: 9:00-0:00 SATURDAY: 9:00-0:00 SUNDAY: 9:00-0:00


In keeping with the needs of the environment, the company has focused much of its policy on sustainability and environmental conservation. And there is a very marked communion between Chiringuitos del Sol and Oriolan beaches, where our company has been developing a great commitment to the maintenance of this magnificent coastline. Proof of this has been the national prize "Chiringuito por el clima 2015" or the achievement of the "Chiringuito responsable" seal in 2013. Amos awards were granted by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment and the Biodiversity Foundation. Recognitions that do not stop being just another example in the set of actions that the company has been carrying out all these years. It was the first company in its sector certified by the distinctive ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 as excellent in terms of the environment. The first of these stamps confirms good practices in continuous quality management, while the second reflects the balance between maintaining profitability and reducing the impact on the environment. In the same way we periodically develop awareness-raising events in the maintenance and conservation of the coast of the Oriolan coast. During 2016, together with Frigo and the City Council of Orihuela, we developed the action "The Beach is in your hands", through which we will distribute advisors of clean beaches throughout the coast of Orihuela.
Adresse: C/ de Cala Capitan, s/n. Cabo Roig, Orihuela Costa.
Telefon: +0034 965 32 18 45
Åpningstider: MONDAY: 9:00-0:00 TUESDAY: 9:00-0:00 WEDNESDAY: 9:00-0:00 THURSDAY: 9:00-0:00 FRIDAY: 9:00-0:00 SATURDAY: 9:00-0:00 SUNDAY: 9:00-0:00


In keeping with the needs of the environment, the company has focused much of its policy on sustainability and environmental conservation. And there is a very marked communion between Chiringuitos del Sol and Oriolan beaches, where our company has been developing a great commitment to the maintenance of this magnificent coastline. Proof of this has been the national prize "Chiringuito por el clima 2015" or the achievement of the "Chiringuito responsable" seal in 2013. Amos awards were granted by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment and the Biodiversity Foundation. Recognitions that do not stop being just another example in the set of actions that the company has been carrying out all these years. It was the first company in its sector certified by the distinctive ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 as excellent in terms of the environment. The first of these stamps confirms good practices in continuous quality management, while the second reflects the balance between maintaining profitability and reducing the impact on the environment. In the same way we periodically develop awareness-raising events in the maintenance and conservation of the coast of the Oriolan coast. During 2016, together with Frigo and the City Council of Orihuela, we developed the action "The Beach is in your hands", through which we will distribute advisors of clean beaches throughout the coast of Orihuela.
Adresse: C/Elena Fortún, s/n. CAMPAMOR, Orihuela Costa.
Telefon: +0034 965 32 18 45
Åpningstider: MONDAY: 9:00-0:00 TUESDAY: 9:00-0:00 WEDNESDAY: 9:00-0:00 THURSDAY: 9:00-0:00 FRIDAY: 9:00-0:00 SATURDAY: 9:00-0:00 SUNDAY: 9:00-0:00


In keeping with the needs of the environment, the company has focused much of its policy on sustainability and environmental conservation. And there is a very marked communion between Chiringuitos del Sol and Oriolan beaches, where our company has been developing a great commitment to the maintenance of this magnificent coastline. Proof of this has been the national prize "Chiringuito por el clima 2015" or the achievement of the "Chiringuito responsable" seal in 2013. Amos awards were granted by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment and the Biodiversity Foundation. Recognitions that do not stop being just another example in the set of actions that the company has been carrying out all these years. It was the first company in its sector certified by the distinctive ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 as excellent in terms of the environment. The first of these stamps confirms good practices in continuous quality management, while the second reflects the balance between maintaining profitability and reducing the impact on the environment. In the same way we periodically develop awareness-raising events in the maintenance and conservation of the coast of the Oriolan coast. During 2016, together with Frigo and the City Council of Orihuela, we developed the action "The Beach is in your hands", through which we will distribute advisors of clean beaches throughout the coast of Orihuela.
Adresse: Avenida de las Adelfas s/n. Campoamor, Orihuela Costa.
Telefon: +0034 965 32 18 45
Åpningstider: MONDAY: 9:00-0:00 TUESDAY: 9:00-0:00 WEDNESDAY: 9:00-0:00 THURSDAY: 9:00-0:00 FRIDAY: 9:00-0:00 SATURDAY: 9:00-0:00 SUNDAY: 9:00-0:00


In keeping with the needs of the environment, the company has focused much of its policy on sustainability and environmental conservation. And there is a very marked communion between Chiringuitos del Sol and Oriolan beaches, where our company has been developing a great commitment to the maintenance of this magnificent coastline. Proof of this has been the national prize "Chiringuito por el clima 2015" or the achievement of the "Chiringuito responsable" seal in 2013. Amos awards were granted by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment and the Biodiversity Foundation. Recognitions that do not stop being just another example in the set of actions that the company has been carrying out all these years. It was the first company in its sector certified by the distinctive ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 as excellent in terms of the environment. The first of these stamps confirms good practices in continuous quality management, while the second reflects the balance between maintaining profitability and reducing the impact on the environment. In the same way we periodically develop awareness-raising events in the maintenance and conservation of the coast of the Oriolan coast. During 2016, together with Frigo and the City Council of Orihuela, we developed the action "The Beach is in your hands", through which we will distribute advisors of clean beaches throughout the coast of Orihuela.
Adresse: C/Calderón de la Barca,s/n. Dehesa de Campoamor, Orihuela Costa.
Telefon: +0034 965 32 18 45
Åpningstider: MONDAY: 9:00-0:00 TUESDAY: 9:00-0:00 WEDNESDAY: 9:00-0:00 THURSDAY: 9:00-0:00 FRIDAY: 9:00-0:00 SATURDAY: 9:00-0:00 SUNDAY: 9:00-0:00


In keeping with the needs of the environment, the company has focused much of its policy on sustainability and environmental conservation. And there is a very marked communion between Chiringuitos del Sol and Oriolan beaches, where our company has been developing a great commitment to the maintenance of this magnificent coastline. Proof of this has been the national prize "Chiringuito por el clima 2015" or the achievement of the "Chiringuito responsable" seal in 2013. Amos awards were granted by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment and the Biodiversity Foundation. Recognitions that do not stop being just another example in the set of actions that the company has been carrying out all these years. It was the first company in its sector certified by the distinctive ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 as excellent in terms of the environment. The first of these stamps confirms good practices in continuous quality management, while the second reflects the balance between maintaining profitability and reducing the impact on the environment. In the same way we periodically develop awareness-raising events in the maintenance and conservation of the coast of the Oriolan coast. During 2016, together with Frigo and the City Council of Orihuela, we developed the action "The Beach is in your hands", through which we will distribute advisors of clean beaches throughout the coast of Orihuela.
Adresse: C/ Vistamar,s/n. Mil Palmeras, Orihuela Costa.
Telefon: +0034 965 32 18 45
Åpningstider: MONDAY: 9:00-0:00 TUESDAY: 9:00-0:00 WEDNESDAY: 9:00-0:00 THURSDAY: 9:00-0:00 FRIDAY: 9:00-0:00 SATURDAY: 9:00-0:00 SUNDAY: 9:00-0:00


Adresse: C.C. La Zenia Boulevard, Jade, 2, 03189, Alicante
Telefon: +0034 965 32 48 53
Åpningstider: MONDAY:11:00–23:00 TUESDAY:11:00–23:00 WEDNESDAY:11:00–23:00 THURSDAY:11:00–23:00 FRIDAY:11:00–23:00 SATURDAY:11:00–23:00 SUNDAY:11:00–24:00


Come and enjoy healthy Spanish food, try it and you will not regret it, we work for and for you
Telefon: +0034 675695022
Åpningstider: MONDAY:11:00-0:00 TUESDAY: 11:00-0:00 WEDNESDAY: 11:00-0:00 THURSDAY: 11:00-0:00 FRIDAY: 11:00-0:00 SATURDAY: 11:00-0:00 SUNDAYo: 11:00-0:00


New Bar Juani, completely renovated with new staff and new tapas. Enjoy meals, dinners and the best tapas !!
Adresse: C/ Sol, 17. 03300. Orihuela (Alicante)
Telefon: 966 34 01 98

Zenia Boulevard Shopping Center

Large outdoor complex with a large plaza surrounded by trendy shops, restaurants and a hypermarket. Address: Calle Jade, 2, 03189 Orihuela, Alicante Phone: 966 76 15 30 Province: Province of Alicante
Adresse: Calle Jade, 2, 03189 Orihuela, Alicante
Telefon: +0034 966 76 15 30

Ociopía Shopping Center

Outdoor complex with shops, restaurants and leisure, as well as a large square and garden areas. Address: Calle Obispo Victorio Oliver, 2, 03300 Orihuela, Alicante Phone: 966 74 31 50 Province: Province of Alicante
Adresse: Calle Obispo Victorio Oliver, 2, 03300 Orihuela, Alicante
Telefon: +0034 966 74 31 50


1. ORIHUELA LOS HUERTOS MARKET Celebration day: TUESDAY Approximate number of positions: 300 positions Approximate area: 3,800 m2 Location: Urban helmet, Los Huertos campus, Avda. Dr. Gómez Pardo Opening hours: from 9.00 to 14.00 hours 2. ORIHUELA PASEO MARKET Celebration day: TUESDAY and FRIDAY Approximate number of positions: 20 positions Approximate area: 200 m2 Location: Casco urbano, Paseo Calvo Sotelo Opening hours: from 9.00 to 14.00 hours 3. ORIHUELA-COSTA MARKET Celebration day: SATURDAY Approximate number of positions: 350 positions Approximate surface: 4.000 m2 Location: Orihuela-costa, Playa Flamenca, C /. Nicolás de Bussi Opening hours: from 9.00 to 14.00 hours 4. ORIHUELA CENTRO MARKET Celebration day: SATURDAY Approximate number of posts: 100 posts Approximate surface: 1,200 m2 Location: Casco Urbano, surroundings Andenes and Glorieta Gabriel Miró Opening hours: from 9.00 to 14.00 hours 5. CAMPOAMOR MARKET Celebration day: THURSDAY Approximate number of positions: 220 positions Approximate area: 2,500 m2 Location: Orihuela-Costa, Campoamor, surroundings Urb. Aguamarina Opening hours: from 9.00 to 14.00 hours 6. LA MURADA MARKET Celebration day: SUNDAY Approximate number of positions: 250 positions Approximate area: 2,500 m2 Location: La Murada, C /. The Plaza and adjacent Opening hours: from 9.00 to 14.00 hours 7. LA APARECIDA MARKET Celebration day: SUNDAY Approximate number of positions: 50 positions Approximate area: 750 m2 Location: La Aparecida, C /. Road Opening hours: from 9.00 to 14.00 hours 8. SAN BARTOLOME MARKET Celebration day: TUESDAY Approximate number of positions: 40 positions Approximate surface: 500 m2 Location: San Bartolomé, Avda. Constitución Opening hours: from 9.00 to 14.00 hours 9. DESAMPARADOS MARKET Celebration day: THURSDAY Approximate number of positions: 30 Approximate area: 350 m2 Location: C /. Queen Sofia and C /. Jose Antonio Opening hours: from 9.00 to 14.00 hours 10. TORREMENDO MARKET Celebration day: MONDAY Approximate number of posts: 20 Approximate area: 240 m2 Location: C /. Federation Opening hours: from 9.00 to 14.00 hours 11. LA CAMPANETA MARKET Celebration day: MONDAY Approximate number of positions: 14 Approximate area: 170 m2 Location: C /. Chamomile Opening hours: from 9.00 to 14.00 hours
Telefon: +0034 965302747 // 965304645


Astoria by Patrimi is a brand of clothing boutiques specialized in the sale of articles of clothing and accessories of leading brands. Fashion lovers will find here the best designer clothes from international brands such as Calvin Klein, Tommy Hilfiger, McGregor, Replay, Hackett, Pepe Jeans, Energie, Miss Sixty, Morgan and much more. And all at the best price! Astoria By Patrimi brings residents of Orihuela, Torrevieja, Pilar de La Horadada, San Javier and many more municipalities, a selection of clothes and fashion items with unparalleled quality and design, perfect for anyone who identifies with a modern style and casual Our team of professionals has the preparation to offer the best service with personalized attention in both Spanish and English and Russian among other languages.
Adresse: Calle Jade 2 , La Zenia, Orihuela Costa. Orihuela
Telefon: +0034 965 70 62 21


Since 1873, Levi's is a pioneer in denim fashion with a selection of trousers, shirts, jackets and accessories.
Adresse: Calle Jade 2 , La Zenia, Orihuela Costa. Orihuela
Telefon: +0034 96 673 04 84

Mateo Wines

In Mateo Wines we feel privileged to do what we do, developing the activity that we like the most and then present it to the world. Quality and innovation define us and stimulate us to grow and perfect our style in each project. Our ability to adapt to the national and international market guarantees the satisfaction of our customers. In the end, our objective is based on attracting and satisfying the demands of consumers, producing quality wines that transmit passion for this way of understanding the fascinating wine world.
Adresse: Calle San Pascual Orihuela
Telefon: +0034 966 34 47 77


Frozen yogurt that, in addition to being good, is low in fat, rich in fiber and gluten free. Discover the news with the best flavor!
Adresse: Calle Jade 2 , La Zenia, Orihuela Costa. Orihuela

Souvenir Shop of the Santo Domingo Diocesan School

The convent of Santo Domingo de Orihuela, also known as the Patriarch Loazes School, Diocesan School of Santo Domingo and nicknamed El Escorial de Levante, is a monumental building of Gothic, Renaissance, Baroque and Rococo styles from the 16th century founded by Cardinal Loazes in the then peripheral zone of the city of Orihuela, to the south of the Valencian Community, in Spain.
Adresse: C/ Adolfo Clavarana, 51 Orihuela
Telefon: +0034 965 30 02 40

Hotel Boutique Palacio de Tudemir

It is a pleasure to open the doors of the Hotel Boutique Palacio de Tudemir. This Monument was in the eighteenth century the Palace of the Counts of Luna, maintains its exquisite architecture and original ornamental elements. It retains the charm and splendor of its time and takes us to a world of sensations caused by its comfort and elegance.
Adresse: Alfonso XIII 1 Orihuela 03300
Telefon: +0034 966 73 80 10


The Hotel Montepiedra has a welcoming family atmosphere with attention to detail. We want to make your stay unforgettable.
Adresse: C/ Saavedra Fajardo, 1 03.189 Dehesa de Campoamor
Telefon: +0034 965 32 03 00


Adresse: C/ Obispo Rocamora, 20 - 5ºB 03300 Orihuela
Telefon: +0034 601 148 240


Adresse: C/ Obispo Rocamora, 36, 3ª 03300 Orihuela
Telefon: +0034 630 314 462- 630 918 428


Adresse: C/ San Pascual, 18-1º 03300 Orihuela
Telefon: +0034 615 99 16 45


Adresse: Ctra. Alicante-Murcia, km. 26 03300 ORIHUELA ALICANTE
Telefon: +0034 966743500-696959968

Hostal Rey Teodomiro

Adresse: Avda. Teodomiro, 10 03300 Orihuela Alicante/Alacant
Telefon: +0034 965300349-966743348


Alicante Airport: The airport of Alicante-Elche, also popularly known as El Altet airport, is a Spanish airport of Aena that is located 8 km southwest of Alicante. Wikipedia Address: 03195 L'Altet, Alicante Code: ALC Passengers: 12,344,945 Phone: 913 21 10 00 Murcia Airport (San Javier): The Murcia-San Javier Airport is a military Air Force base open to civilian traffic as a public airport run by Aena. Address: Ctra. Del Aeropuerto, s / n, 30720 Santiago de la Ribera, Murcia Code: MJV Phone: 902 40 47 04
Telefon: +0034 965304645

Public Transport

Train station; Orihuela-Miguel Hernández or simply Orihuela is a railway station located in the Spanish city of Orihuela, in the province of Alicante, Comunidad Valenciana. Wikipedia Address: 03300 Orihuela, Alicante Inauguration: 1884 Province: Province of Alicante Long distance: Talgo Middle distance: MD; Intercity Taxi; Address: Av. Teodomiro, 62, 03300 Orihuela, Alicante Phone: 966 74 02 02 Province: Province of Alicante Radio Taxi - Orihuela Taxi service in Orihuela, Spain Address: Alicante Phone: 965 58 58 58 Province: Province of Alicante
Telefon: +0034 965304645


Tourist Info Orihuela Centro Plaza de la Soledad, nº5 03300 Orihuela Tel .: 965304645/965302747 [email protected] Schedule: Monday from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. from Tuesday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. and from 4 to 7 p.m. Saturday from 10 am to 2 pm and from 4 pm to 7 pm; Sundays and holidays from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tourist Info Orihuela Playa Plaza del Oriol, 1, Urbanization Playa Flamenca, N-333 Alicante -Cartagena km 50 03189 Orihuela Costa Tel .: 96 676 00 00 Ext.32 [email protected] From Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Tourist Info Orihuela Renfe Avda. Teodomiro, 68 03300 Orihuela Tel .: 965301947 [email protected] From Monday to Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Adresse: Plaza de la Soledad
Telefon: +0034 965302747 // 965304645

Phone code

Phone Country code: +34
Adresse: Orihuela
Telefon: +0034 965304645


Pharmacy For a 24-hour pharmacy, go to the nearest pharmacy and look at the rotation program with the directions printed on the door. VEGA BAJA HOSPITAL: 965877500 RED CROSS: 965305757