Se hva du kan gjøre og oppleve i Debrecen

When in Debrecen, use your senses instead of just looking for the signposts. Look down ahead of you to see on what kind of planks the citizens walked the streets in days of old. Look up to the sky and marvel at the colourful facades of the merchants’ houses, built at the beginning of the previous century. Follow your nose to the pleasant smells from the busy Mediterranean squares and intimate cafés, or simply listen to your ears and let the charming music guide your steps.

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"Nine-Hole” Bridge

A truly iconic landmark in Hortobágy, the grandest and longest of similar Hungarian stone constructions was built in 1833 according to the plans of Ferenc Povolny. The nearby area is the venue of the renowned annual fair and open-air market of handicraft traditionally held on August 20. Legend has it that the “Nine-Hole” Bridge came into being when the nine lovers of an infamous outlaw (with the local gendarmes closing in on him) held hands and helped their beau cross the river on their shoulders and arms. After his lucky escape, the hapless damsels turned into stone.
Adresse: 4071 Hortobágy, Petőfi tér

Hortobágy Big Inn

Hortobágy Big Inn is the oldest and grandest of these traditional watering holes where you can sample “puszta cuisine” in its original locale. The exhibit room presents images and artifacts to illustrate the long-past “csárda” milieu populated by tough denizens of the prairie. You can even get your pictures taken rigged out in traditional garb. The thematic itinerary dubbed “The Trail of Inns” includes stops to display exhibits at the Kadarcs and Meggyes Inn Museums.
Adresse: 4071 Hortobágy, Petőfi tér 1.
Telefon: +36 52 589 010

Hortobágy National Park Visitor Center & Craftsmen’s Yard

You can get detailed information on the programs available in the various tourist spots of the region including how to see National Park areas which are open to visitors. You can also check out a multi-media show presenting the uniquely rich wildlife of the puszta including the exhibit called “The World of Cranes.” If you’re into the arts, why don’t you explore the workshops set up in the yard where local artisans put their trades on display? A wide range of their products and other merchandise lays up for grabs in the gift shop.
Adresse: 4071 Hortobágy, Petőfi tér 9
Telefon: +36 52 589 321

Hortobágy Herdsmen’s Museum & Exhibit-in-the-Round

The former wagon shed now houses a museum displaying artifacts characteristic of the life of herdsmen of bygone days. The adjoining circular building gives home to an authentic display of the region’s rich craftsmen’s tradition.
Adresse: 4071 Hortobágy, Petőfi tér 1
Telefon: +36 52 369 040, +36 52 369 025

Máta Stud Farm

Boasting a proud history of 300 years, the farm is one of Europe’s traditional establishments of this kind. It also has tourist programs on offer, the most popular of which is the “puszta” horse-and-carriage ride. It sets out to the heart of the grassland where you can get close to indigenous beasts in their natural habitat. The must-see equestrian shows display hundred-year-old cowboy traditions. Fancy swinging yourself into the saddle too? No problem, enjoy the ride. As of spring 2016, a top-notch tourist center is ready to take visitors to this prestigious facility. Be sure you check out the exhibits displaying the history of the stud farm, the impressive collection of carriages, and the workshops of local craftsmen whose trades are related to equestrian activities. Horseback riding is available after advance booking for experienced riders (children above age 9) in corral or cross-country. It has always been quite an event whenever Debrecen’s Sate Coach ceremoniously rolled into Hortobágy. The elite group of its most famous passengers includes Franz Joseph I and Edward, Duke of Windsor. They took rides on the carriage drawn by a team of five horses in 1852/1890 and 1937, respectively.
Adresse: 4071 Hortobágy - Máta
Telefon: +36 70 492 7655

Hortobágy Wildlife Park – Puszta Safari

The park serves as a reserve for animal species that had populated the region before human habitation and encroaching civilization drove them off. Their ranks are completed by species that still inhabit the wilderness areas of the National Park. Take a ride on one of our specially souped-up buses and check out these beasts. If you are not one of the faint-hearted, you might even risk taking an “extra safari” and get up close to them.
Adresse: 4071 Hortobágy-Malomháza
Telefon: +36 52 589 000

Hortobágy Fish Ponds Narrow-Gauge Railway

You can discover the diverse flora and fauna of Central Europe’s most intricate system of fish ponds at your leisure, sitting in the small cars of this railway. The observation platform erected at the final stop and the boardwalks skirting the ponds will even provide opportunities to take close-ups of pond denizens. Accessible: by road on Route 33, towards Hortobágy Fish Ponds from the junction at Milestone 67 km; by rail on the Debrecen-Füzesabony line, from Hortobágyi-Halastó stop
Adresse: 4071 Hortobágy -Halas tó
Telefon: +36 52 589 000

Puszta Zoo

A park housing ancient Hungarian breeds of domestic animals. Why don’t you check out the exhibit on the history of the various species while your children feed and pet the critters, get active at the playground, or try handicraft activities? You can assist the chefs in cooking lunch in the outdoor oven and (to burn off some extra calories) challenge your kids in the various disciplines of the “puszta trials.”
Adresse: 4071 Hortobágy, Tornyi-domb
Telefon: +36 52 701 037

Hortobágy Bird Park

This refuge for birds features exhibits, a clinic and flying ranges where recuperating avian patients can get much-needed practice before getting reintroduced into their original habitat. You can learn about what dangers wild birds have to face on a daily basis and even watch the treatment of injured or sick individuals.
Adresse: 4071 Hortobágy, Petőfi tér 6.
Telefon: +36 52 369 181
E-post: pusztadoktor@t

Ohat Anglers’ Center & Exhibition Post

This establishment has a wide range of offers to sportsmen whose idea of the perfect holiday is to haul in their catch from the prime recreational fishing ponds located in the nature sanctuary of Hortobágy.
Telefon: +36 30 513 1469
Åpningstider: March 15 to November 15

Hiking in Hortobágy National Park

Hortobágy National Park has a system of designated trails and areas to provide tourists with opportunities for guided walking, bicycle, or small-train trips. More intrepid hikers may obtain special National Park passes and go on their very own solo expeditions. Check local information points for listings and advance booking. Demonstration Trails & Other Visitable Places in Hortobágy National Park • Hortobágy Fishpond demonstration trail • Egyek-Pusztakócs marshes • Szálkahalmi demonstration trail • Fishponds
Telefon: +36 52 589 000

Reformed Big Church

Debrecen’s symbol is one of the nation’s largest Reformed churches, a building of major historic significance. It was here that Lajos Kossuth read out the Declaration of Independence on April 14, 1849. The wing chair used by the Regent-President on that glorious occasion is one of the church’s most precious relics. The main structure has been rebuilt several times. Today’s familiar Classicist form was developed after the great fire of 1802. You can enjoy magnificent views of the city from the top of the towers, or the steel bridge behind the tympanum. If you are courageous enough to attempt the steep climb up, your added bonus will be a spectacular close-up of the 5.6-ton Rákóczi Bell. In addition to regular services, exhibits of religious history, organ concerts and other musical events are also on the schedule. The church has held the status of national monument since 2013.
Adresse: 4026 Debrecen Piac u 4-6.
Telefon: +36 52 412 694
Billetter: Tour “A”:Adult ticket 500,- Ft Student and senior ticket 400,- Ft Tour “B”: Adult ticket 600,- Ft Student and senior ticket 500,- Ft

Debrecen Reformed College

Having functioned continuously as an educational institution since its establishment in 1538, the college is the cradle of Hungarian civilization Designated as a national monument in 2013, it also features a museum that has permanent exhibits displaying the school’s history, student life, and the religious art of the Reformed Church in the Trans-Tisza Region. Your visit here will help you understand why Debrecen became the most important bastion of the Reformed faith in Hungary. Bedecked with majestic murals, the building’s stairwell leads to the entrance of the gigantic library storing more than 600,000 volumes, the Csokonai Room and the Oratory that housed Hungary’s National Assembly in 1849.
Adresse: 4026 Debrecen Kálvin tér 16
Telefon: +36 52 516 923
Åpningstider: Monday-Friday: 10:00-16:00
Billetter: Adult: 800 Ft, Student/Retired: 400 Ft

Déri Museum

The Déri Museum is one of Hungary’s foremost establishments of its kind. In addition to its exhibits of local cultural interest, it has become renowned for the huge collection of items, brought together by Frigyes Déri, which represents various aspects of universal human civilization. The museum’s main attractions are the awe-inspiring Christ-paintings of Mihály Munkácsy. The museum opened a new permanent exhibit in 2015, whereas in the Lajos Zoltai Hall temporary exhibits will be on display. The group of four statues by Ferenc Medgyessy, erected outside the main building, was awarded the Grand Prize at the 1937 Paris Exposition.
Adresse: 4026 Debrecen Déri tér 1
Telefon: +36 52 322 207
Åpningstider: Thuesday-Sunday: 10:00-18:00
Billetter: Adult: 2000 Ft, Student/Retired: 1000 Ft

St. Anne’s Cathedral

Built in Baroque and Louis Seize style, the church was elevated to cathedral rank by Pope John Paul II in 1993. A certified replica of the Turin Shroud has been on display in the building since 2011. 2015 has been designated as Catholic Memorial Year, to mark the tercentenary of the movement started to reorganize practices and activities of the Catholic faithful in Debrecen.
Adresse: 4024 Debrecen Szent Anna u 15
Telefon: +36 52 536 652


Debrecen Jewish Congregation is Hungary’s largest Israelite community outside the capital. The older of Debrecen’s two surviving synagogues, the Orthodox synagogue was built in Pásti Street in the early 1880s. In 2015, a tourist and cultural center opened there to display the history of Debrecen’s Jewish community, its life, faith and traditions. The Holocaust memorial in the yard of the Orthodox synagogue was dedicated in June 2015, commemorating the victims from Debrecen. The names of six thousand local Jews who perished in the Holocaust, during forced labor, in concentration camps or in the ghetto, were carved into the memorial wall made of concrete and black metal. Erected in 1909 in Kápolnás Street, the synagogue “status quo ante” shares a plot with the former Jewish High School (now Youth Center). The Orthodox synagogue was built in Pásti Street in 1894. On 26 April 2015, the synagogue was re-opened in its full beauty, and now serves multiple purposes within the community: it is not only a sacred space but a touristic attraction, a conference center and a public venue as well. BEIT HAMIDRASH Built in the 1910s, the Beit Hamidrash is nowadays the site of the daily sermons of the community, except during the time of the big holidays. ORTHODOX MIKVAH Located in the basement of the winter tabernacle at Pásti Street, the old mikvah is to become a kosher winery and exhibition area upon being restored. HOLOCAUST MEMORIAL The monumental concrete wall was designed by young aspiring architects and since the summer of 2015, it has been standing proudly to remind everybody of the little more than 6000 Holocaust victims that were from Debrecen. BUTCHERY The butchery, used for its designated purpose up until the 1980s, is nowadays an excellent exhibition and resting area. KÁPOLNÁSI SYNAGOGUE Built between 1909-1910, the “small” church, which is able to accommodate 600 people, has recently been renovated. The synagogue is used for religious purposes on the big Jewish holidays but it has hosted cultural happenings of different kinds on several occasions. PILGRIMS' HOSTEL The Jewish community provides accommodation for visitors at the reconditioned community center. DEBRECEN JEWISH CEMETERY Since 1842, the cemetery of the Debrecen community has been open to the public at its original location at Monostorapályi Street and has been part of the same organization.
Adresse: 4025 Debrecen Pásti u 4; 4025 Debrecen Kápolnás u 1
Telefon: +36 52 415 861

Nagyerdei Water Tower

The newest attraction of Nagyerdei park is the Water Tower Adventure Center. It is a home to a whole cornucopia of entertainment options from spring through fall. Not only its 31-m-high observation point gives fantastic views of the surrounding area. A special telescope will also open a visual channel to bygone eras. Nourish your mind and body, respectively, at the permanent exhibitions and eateries. If you crave some physical exercise, check out the climbing wall built in the tower’s structure. The day’s adventures will culminate in the night light show.
Adresse: Debrecen Nagyerdei Park

Mist Theater

In the immediate vicinity of Nagyerdei Arena, a one-of-a-kind attraction beckons from spring through fall. The multimedia fountain, or “Mist Theatre,” boasts a 30×10-m, fan-shaped curtain of water vapor which can be used as a functional movie screen to show clips of Debrecen as well as special laser installations. The more adventurous might want to try the stepping stones across the basin on sweltering summer days.
Adresse: Debrecen Nagyerdei Park

Agora Scientific Adventure Center

The only one of its kind in the region, this center offers a once-in-a-lifetime experience to visitors regardless of their ages. Agora presents serious scientific knowledge and the little wonders of everyday life in a fun and easy-to-understand way. It features more than thirty interactive games and gets visitors involved in spectacular experiments. At the top of the futuristic three-storey building, stargazers will be delighted to test the limits of the observatory taking aim at the Sun, our fellow planets and other celestial bodies.
Adresse: Debrecen Egyetem tér 1 (Botanical Garden)
Telefon: +36 52 518 620
Åpningstider: Thuesday-Friday: 13:00-19:00; Saturday-Sunday: 10:00-18:00
Billetter: Adult: 1800 Ft, Student/Retired: 1200 Ft

Main Building of the University of Debrecen

One of the nation’s five research universities, UD celebrated its centenary in 2012. The glass-ceilinged cour d’honneur of the main edifice, built in Eclectic and Neo-Baroque style, is skirted by an arcaded corridor system, whose walls are inscribed with the names of the school’s most renowned professors and former students. The fountain in the spacious French-style park in front of the building plays a special role in student tradition: Graduates are supposed to take a plunge in its pool after their finals.
Adresse: Debrecen Egyetem tér 1
Telefon: +36 52 512 900

Nagyerdei Stadium

Nagyerdei Park is the home of Hungary’s most modern sports arenas. The brand new, state-of-the-art arena, Nagyerdei Stadium, was inaugurated in 2014. With a seating capacity of 20,000, it promises to become a fantastic venue of competitive team events and individual training sessions as well as concerts and other programs of cultural interest. The stadium’s unique architectural features boast a spectacular “suspension sidewalk.” Complete with a running track, the 1,100-m-long structure skirts the entire building at a height of several meters. This will make joggers feel that they do altitude training smack in the middle of the flattest region in Hungary.
Adresse: 4032 Debrecen Nagyerdei Park 12.
Telefon: +36 30 316 4910

Reformed Big Church

Debrecen’s symbol is one of the nation’s largest Reformed churches, a building of major historic significance. It was here that Lajos Kossuth read out the Declaration of Independence on April 14, 1849. The wing chair used by the Regent-President on that glorious occasion is one of the church’s most precious relics. The main structure has been rebuilt several times. Today’s familiar Classicist form was developed after the great fire of 1802. You can enjoy magnificent views of the city from the top of the towers, or the steel bridge behind the tympanum. If you are courageous enough to attempt the steep climb up, your added bonus will be a spectacular close-up of the 5.6-ton Rákóczi Bell. In addition to regular services, exhibits of religious history, organ concerts and other musical events are also on the schedule. The church has held the status of national monument since 2013.
Adresse: 4026 Debrecen Piac u 4-6.
Telefon: +36 52 412 694
Billetter: Tour “A”:Adult ticket 500,- Ft Student and senior ticket 400,- Ft Tour “B”: Adult ticket 600,- Ft Student and senior ticket 500,- Ft

Museum of Debrecen Reformed College

Having functioned continuously as an educational institution since its establishment in 1538, the college is the cradle of Hungarian civilization. It features a museum that has permanent exhibits displaying the school’s history, student life. Your visit here will help you understand why Debrecen became the most important bastion of the Reformed faith in Hungary. Bedecked with majestic murals, the building’s stairwell leads to the entrance of the gigantic library storing more than 600,000 volumes
Adresse: 4026 Debrecen Kálvin tér 16
Telefon: +36 52 516 923
Billetter: Adult: 800 Ft, Student/Retired: 400 Ft

Déri Museum

The Déri Museum is one of Hungary’s foremost establishments of its kind. It has become renowned for the huge collection of items, brought together by Frigyes Déri, which represents various aspects of universal human civilization. One of the museum’s main attractions is the awe-inspiring “Ecce Homo” painted by Mihály Munkácsy. The group of four statues by Ferenc Medgyessy, erected outside the main building, was awarded the Grand Prize at the 1937 Paris Exposition.
Adresse: 4026 Debrecen Déri tér 1
Telefon: +36 52 322 207
Åpningstider: Thuesday-Sunday: 10:00-18:00
Billetter: Adult: 2000 Ft, Student/Retired: 1000 Ft

Aquaticum Spa

Located in an area of scenic beauty in Big Forest, the spa complex offers an entire unit of medical facilities and a wide range of specialist consultations to guests who seek regeneration, healing, or relaxation. Your comfort and enjoyment will be guaranteed by the attractions of the Thermal Bath, the Indoor Mediterranean Pleasure Bath, “water-chute park,” wellness center as well as the “sauna world.” All this in an area of natural beauty set aside for public recreational use.
Adresse: 4032 Debrecen Nagyerdei park 1.
Telefon: +36 52 514 174

St. Anne’s Cathedral

Built in Baroque and Louis Seize style, the church was elevated to cathedral rank by Pope John Paul II in 1993. A certified replica of the Turin Shroud has been on display in the building since 2011. 2015 has been designated as Catholic Memorial Year, to mark the tercentenary of the movement started to reorganize practices and activities of the Catholic faithful in Debrecen.
Adresse: 4024 Debrecen Szent Anna u 15
Telefon: +36 52 536 652


Debrecen Jewish Congregation is Hungary’s largest Israelite community outside the capital. The older of Debrecen’s two surviving synagogues, the Orthodox synagogue was built in Pásti Street in the early 1880s. In 2015, a tourist and cultural center will open there to display the history of Debrecen’s Jewish community, its life, faith and traditions. Erected in 1909 in Kápolnás Street, the synagogue “status quo ante” shares a plot with the former Jewish High School (now Youth Center).
Adresse: 4025 Debrecen Pásti u 4; 4025 Debrecen Kápolnás u 1
Telefon: +36 52 415 861

Piac Street and Kossuth Square

Debrecen’s Main Street - Piac Street - was the proud venue of the famous town fairs for 300 years starting in the 16th century. Today’s cityscape, however, is defined by the former merchant houses erected at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. The pink office building of Debrecen’s First Savings Bank (on the corner of Kossuth Street) and the twin tenement blocks with the copper spires (on the corner of Simonffy Street) spectacularly stand out against the background of slightly gaudy downtown houses. Number 54 is occupied by Debrecen’s most beautiful Art Nouveau building now functioning as County Hall. Debrecen’s Main Street was suitable for traffic for two centuries thanks to a 650-meter-long and 6 to 7-meter wide elevated wooden walkway erected in the 1600s. A small section of the ancient “mud bridge,” now on display outside Hotel Aranybika, is a peerless archeological relic. Debrecen’s Main Square - Kossuth Square - features the iconic group of statues erected to commemorate Lajos Kossuth, the huge mosaic depicting the city’s coat of arms, made by placing together 180,000 pieces of Venetian glass, the Millennial Fountain as well as the Art Nouveau building of Hotel Aranybika. The extended walking zone that includes the square is the venue of countless summer cultural events such as the Turkey Days and Flower Parade. This is also where the city’s Christmas tree is placed at the beginning of the festive season.

Old City Hall

Built in Classicist style, one of Debrecen’s most prominent architectural relics is the City Hall building. The city as well as the Hall played an important role in the events of the 1948/49 Revolution and War of Independence. It provided temporary headquarters for the nation’s Defense Committee. Its “chamber of the secret archives” was actually the hiding place of the Holy Crown of Hungary. Today, the edifice houses the City Assembly and the Mayor’s Office.
Adresse: Debrecen Piac u 20

Reformed Lesser Church

The original house of worship, built in 1661, was redesigned several times after it had burned down. The final structure was finished in 1876. Its onion-dome spire was destroyed by a windstorm in 1907. The builders later decided to replace it with castellated parapet. It has been dubbed by locals as Csonka (truncated) Church ever since.
Adresse: 4025 Debrecen Révész tér 2
Telefon: +36 52 342 872

Csokonai National Theater

One of the finest repertory theaters of the country opened its gates in 1865, so 2015 will witness the celebrations of its 150th anniversary. The façade of the Romantic-style building is decorated with statues of the muses of tragedy and dance as well as those of Hungarian literary greats.
Adresse: 4024 Debrecen Kossuth u 10
Telefon: +36 52 413 565

County Hall

It is the most beautiful Art Nouveau building in the city. Originally, the site was occupied by the city’s first inn, the White Horse.
Adresse: 4024 Debrecen Piac u 54

Tímárház – Artisans’ House

This is the only building that guards Debrecen’s glorious history of arts and crafts in its original location. The permanent display presenting the proud tradition of the city’s tanners (“tímár”) is complemented by temporary exhibits, workshops and handicraft classes.
Adresse: 4024 Debrecen Nagy Gál István u 6
Telefon: +36 52 321 260

Ady Park

Your Debrecen strolls will be even more refreshing in the leafy shade of trees and fountains dotting the city’s small squares and piazzas. The newest, scheduled to open in spring 2015, will be a vibrant, youthful and enchanting spot.

Csapó Street

One of Debrecen’s oldest streets is named after fullers and other practitioners of the wool trade who inhabited these quarters in the 15th century. The section closest to downtown is a popular shopping street and pedestrian zone. The neighborhood includes the Big Market, Flower Market, the Fórum Shopping Mall, the City Music School as well as several watering holes including Debrecen’s first “ruin pub”, the Roncs Bar. Another attractive feature is the spectacular fountain display.
Adresse: Debrecen, Csapó utca

MODEM Center of Modern & Contemporary Art

MODEM is one of Central Europe’s greatest museums of modern and contemporary art. Its top-notch exhibitions and fascinating events of fine art and the attendant fields have been open to the public since 2006. Its museum-pedagogy classes provide kids with opportunities to learn about art in a fun setting.
Adresse: 4026 Debrecen Baltazár Dezső tér 1-3
Telefon: +36 52 525 010
Åpningstider: Thuesday-Sunday: 10:00-18:00

Debrecen House of Literature & Medgyessy Ferenc Memorial Museum

On display at Debrecen House of Literature, the new permanent exhibit titled “Dreaming Hungarians – Stories from Debrecen’s Literary History” gives a comprehensive picture of the careers of the city’s most influential men of letters. Scheduled to open in June at Medgyessy Ferenc Memorial Museum, another permanent exhibit will present a new selection of the sculptor’s most important works.
Adresse: 4026 Debrecen Péterfia u 28
Telefon: +36 52 413 572
Åpningstider: Thuesday-Sunday: 10:00-18:00
Billetter: Adult: 600 Ft, Student/Retired: 300 Ft

Nagyerdei Park

All great cities can be identified by famous parks. In the case of Debrecen, this is called Nagyerdei Park Forest, the nation’s first conservation area. Only a ten-minute ride from downtown, the park offers total peace and quiet in the shade of hundred-year-old trees as well as countless entertainment options. You will definitely enjoy negotiating the meandering footpaths, designed by landscape architects, no matter if you explore the secrets of the woods on your own or with kids in tow. Your ventures along the trails will be made even more fun thanks to the Landart pieces, which make use of the forms and “props” of their natural environment to provide unique visual input. Should you have overexerted yourself through walking, check out the nearby spa center, zoo, amusement park, or “literary” statue park for different kinds of entertainment. Or contemplate the novel architectural techniques applied to the building of the brand new, multifunctional Nagyerdei Stadium, which smoothly cuddles up to its leafy surroundings. In the immediate vicinity, a one-of-a-kind attraction beckons from spring through fall. The “Mist Theatre” boasts a 10-m-high curtain of water which can be used as a functional movie screen. It may provide a bonus show after you watched a less ethereal theatrical or musical performance at the nearby amphitheater.

Nagyerdei Amphitheater

Theatergoers will have a great time watching the action comfortably sitting on the stalls of this open air theatre located on the leafy shores of the Frog Pond. Check out, for example, the hilarious shows of the annual series called Debrecen Summer Theater Nights.
Adresse: Debrecen Nagyerdei Park
Telefon: +36 52 518 400

Nagyerdei Water Tower

The newest attraction of the park is the Water Tower Adventure Center. It promises to be home to a whole cornucopia of entertainment options from spring through fall. Not only will its 31-m-high observation point give fantastic views of the surrounding area. Nourish your mind and body, respectively, at the permanent exhibitions and eateries. If you crave some physical exercise, check out the climbing wall built in the tower’s structure. The day’s adventures will culminate in the night light show
Adresse: Debrecen Nagyerdei Park

Nagyerdei Entertainment Complex

This complex covers an area of 17 hectares under the canopy of Big Forest’s grand old trees. On display are some 700 specimens of 160 species native to various habitats of five continents. Watch how these critters feed, or join the many exciting programs. Open from May to late September, the theme park features 17 rides as well as the smallest Ferris wheel in the country.
Adresse: 4032 Debrecen Ady Endre út 1
Telefon: +36 52 310 065
Åpningstider: every day: 9:00-16:00
Billetter: Adult: 1500 Ft, Student/Retired: 1100 Ft

Mist Theater

In the immediate vicinity of Nagyerdei Arena, a one-of-a-kind attraction beckons from spring through fall. The multimedia fountain, or “Mist Theatre,” boasts a 30×10-m, fan-shaped curtain of water vapor which can be used as a functional movie screen to show clips of Debrecen as well as special laser installations. The more adventurous might want to try the stepping stones across the basin on sweltering summer days.
Adresse: Debrecen Nagyerdei Park

Main Building of the University of Debrecen

UD is one of the nation’s five research universities. The glass-ceilinged cour d’honneur of the main edifice, built in Eclectic and Neo-Baroque style, is skirted by an arcaded corridor system, whose walls are inscribed with the names of the school’s most renowned professors and former students. The fountain in the spacious French-style park in front of the building plays a special role in student tradition: Graduates are supposed to take a plunge in its pool after their finals.
Adresse: Debrecen Egyetem tér 1
Telefon: +36 52 512 900

Botanical Garden at UD

UD’s Botanical Garden behind the main campus building was established in 1928 when the original garden that had belonged to the Reformed College ceased to exist. Today it keeps nearly 6,000 plant species on display. Its collection of cacti and succulent plants – with a list of 1,300 cactus and 1,000 other succulent species, one of the largest in Central and Eastern Europe – is renowned world-wide.
Adresse: Debrecen Egyetem tér 1
Telefon: +36 52 512 900
Åpningstider: every day: 8:00-16:00
Billetter: Adult: 550 Ft, Student/Retired: 350 Ft

Agora Scientific Adventure Center

Agora presents serious scientific knowledge and the little wonders of everyday life in a fun and easy-to-understand way. It features more than thirty interactive games and gets visitors involved in spectacular experiments. At the top of the futuristic three-storey building, stargazers will be delighted to test the limits of the observatory taking aim at the Sun, our fellow planets and other celestial bodies.
Adresse: Debrecen Egyetem tér 1 (Botanical Garden)
Telefon: +36 52 518 620
Åpningstider: Thuesday-Friday: 13:00-19:00; Saturday-Sunday: 10:00-18:00
Billetter: Adult: 1800 Ft, Student/Retired: 1200 Ft

Zsuzsi Narrow-Gauge Railway

More than 130 years young, Zsuzsi is Hungary’s oldest narrow-gauge railway. Its final stop at Hármahegyalja, fringed with beautiful woodland, is complete with hiking trails, a fish pond, observation decks, playgrounds and picnic areas. More attractions are provided by the House of Nature & Observatory and the Forest School that await visitors with classes in wildlife conservation.
Adresse: Debrecen Hétvezér utca
Telefon: +36 52 417 212

Bánk Recreation Center and Arboretum

The center’s exhibit house and arboretum give fascinating insights into the flora of the surrounding area as well as the entire Central Europe, and the life of the “vákáncsos,” impoverished peasants who lived rough in the woods. You can also take a pleasant stroll along the trail called Trees of the Year, or in the adjoining exhibit farm. More recreation and entertainment options are available at the “fun village,” historical exhibition and the rustic open-air activity house.
Adresse: Debrecen Fancsika 93/A
Telefon: +36 52 441 118

Nagyerdei Stadium

Boasting a seating capacity of 20,000, the multifunctional compound serves as a sumptuous venue of sporting events, training sessions as well as concerts and other programs of cultural interest. Its unique architectural features include the spectacular “suspension sidewalk.” Complete with a running track, the 1,100-m-long structure skirts the entire stadium building at an average height of 7 meters. This will make joggers feel that they do laps in the leafy canopy of the park.
Adresse: Debrecen Nagyerdei Park 12.
Telefon: +36 30 316 4910

Hal Köz

Located at the place of the old fish (“hal”) and dairy market, this is one of Debrecen’s most pleasant downtown piazzas. Its cafés, terraces, spectacular fountain displays, rugged tenement blocks, and private gallery make it a popular tourist rendezvous point.

Vojtina Puppet Theatre

Members of the younger generation will get their fill of the Thespian art at Vojtina Puppet Theater located in Kálvin Square. Set in the many-colored kaleidoscope of a miniature world of magic, the theater’s interactive exhibits, lectures on classic fairy tales, and amusing family events answer the most nagging existential questions your kids might want to ask.
Adresse: 4026 Debrecen Kálvin tér 13.
Telefon: +36 52 418 160

Small World Gallery

Pirate island, magical creatures, fairy realm: they are only few of the attractions of the amazing thematic toy exhibition. The families are welcomed in the city centre gallery with the enormous exhibition material of Playmobil, to transform to a knight or a fairy in the miniature world. Children and adults can also test their skills in the mini golf course and they can select from toys of various types in the playroom and the plotting boards. Children can be photographed with characters in the exhibition area, but they can also take the dresses to be a pirate or a princess.
Adresse: 4031 Debrecen Széchenyi utca 64.
Telefon: +36 52 247 188

Kerekerdő Adventure Park

Kerekerdő (Round Forest) Adventure Park is situated in picturesque, leafy surroundings, close to the Csereerdő stop of “Zsuzsi” Narrow Gauge Railroad. This wonder world offers nearly 30,000 sq m worth of indoor and outdoor programs to each and every member of your family. Let the fun start immediately on arrival if you are a lover of water sports. The “Flintstones” paddle boat lays at anchor in the small harbor next to the entrance, ready for rides. A magic land of fairy tales will reveal itself as you follow the trail leading to the interior of the park. Don’t be surprised if you should come across Snow White and her Seven Dwarfs, Little Red Riding Hood and the Wolf, or Hansel and Gretel in their candy house while you are exploring the interactive pavilions and puppet-show stages. Your little tykes will find all they need to let off steam in the playground wilderness. They can lay siege to the castle via suspension bridges and climbing ropes or engage in combat to take bastions. Should they be hungry for even bigger challenges, they may attempt to fight their way along adventure trails rigged with slides, climbing walls, and cul-de-sacs. Older visitors will get their fix of adrenaline by negotiating scenic, but oftentimes menacing mazes of rope courses criss-crossing the park at elevations of up to several meters. Accessible to all but the most fainthearted visitors, regardless of age, the main course spans the lake. You may also try your luck with pony riding, or explore audio-visual features such as the Talking Tree. Fashioned to form the 3D image of a human face, this display recites Hungarian folk tales and fables on weekdays. The park houses a traditional handicraft fair modeled on similar events of bygone eras. Not only will it provide you with insights into the trades of medieval artisans, but also the hustle and bustle of royal courts. The ballroom is the ideal venue for birthday parties. Should you or your little ones need replenishment after the exertions of a busy day, be sure you check out the grill terrace or the pancake stall.
Adresse: 4002 Debrecen Olimpia fasor
Telefon: +36 70 624 44 96

Agora Scientific Adventure Center

The only one of its kind in the region, this center offers a once-in-a-lifetime experience to visitors regardless of their ages. Agora presents serious scientific knowledge and the little wonders of everyday life in a fun and easy-to-understand way. It features more than thirty interactive games and gets visitors involved in spectacular experiments. At the top of the futuristic three-storey building, stargazers will be delighted to test the limits of the observatory taking aim at the Sun, our fellow planets and other celestial bodies.
Adresse: 4032 Debrecen Egyetem tér 1.
Telefon: +36 52 518 620

Zsuzsi Narrow-Gauge Railway

More than 130 years young, Zsuzsi is Hungary’s oldest narrow-gauge railway. Its final stop at Hármahegyalja, fringed with beautiful woodland, is complete with hiking trails, a fish pond, observation decks, playgrounds and picnic areas. More attractions are provided by the House of Nature & Observatory and the Forest School that await visitors with classes in wildlife conservation.
Adresse: 4034 Debrecen, Hétvezér utca
Telefon: +36 52 417 212

Sightseeing By Small City Train

The train’s line connects downtown Debrecen to the Big Forest. An approximately one-hour ride provides passengers with a short introduction to what is worth seeing in the city center and in the park. Stops: Piac utca 29 (Belga Restaurant) - Ady Endre sugárút 1 (Zoo) - Nagyerdei körút (Spa)
Adresse: 4025 Debrecen, Piac u. 29.
Telefon: +36 52 416 207

Medgyessy Promenade

Big Forest has long been inhabited by the Muses of poetry and served as a rich hunting ground for academics in pursuit of exciting research topics. The statues of most of these men of letters are on display in the “literary sculpture park” on Medgyessy Promenade.
Adresse: 4032 Debrecen, Medgyessy sétány

Mist Theater

In the immediate vicinity of Nagyerdei Arena, a one-of-a-kind attraction beckons from spring through fall. The multimedia fountain, or “Mist Theatre,” boasts a 30×10-m, fan-shaped curtain of water vapor which can be used as a functional movie screen to show clips of Debrecen as well as special laser installations. The more adventurous might want to try the stepping stones across the basin on sweltering summer days.
Adresse: 4032 Debrecen, Ady Endre út 1.

Nagyerdei Entertainment Complex

This complex covers an area of 17 hectares under the canopy of Big Forest’s grand old trees. On display are some 700 specimens of 160 species native to various habitats of five continents. Watch how these critters feed, or join the many exciting programs. Open from May to late September, the theme park features 17 rides as well as the smallest Ferris wheel in the country.
Adresse: 4032 Debrecen, Ady Endre út 1.
Telefon: +36 52 310 065; +36 30 450 48 78

Szeged Street Leisure Centre

The leisure centre, built around a fishing pond, is located in the suburban Lencz-telep neighbourhood of Debrecen. SzuSz Park, as the locals call it, has grown into a 5-hectare leisure and water park, and is an excellent venue for corporate or family events, weddings, or birthday parties celebrated in a closer circle of friends and family. A fishing pond, clay and beach football fields, beach volleyball courts, covered patios, fire sites, a restaurant serving Hungarian-style dishes, a pizzeria, special events building, water park, free parking, spacious playgrounds, an indoor playhouse and bouncy castle, huge grassy areas – all of this in a picturesque natural environment, far from all the noise of the city, and still so close, since the centre of Debrecen is only a few kilometres away.
Adresse: 4030 Debrecen, Szeged utca
Telefon: +36 20 984 10 30

Nagyerdei Park

All great cities can be identified by famous parks. In the case of Debrecen, this is called Nagyerdei Park Forest, the nation’s first conservation area. Only a ten-minute ride from downtown, the park offers total peace and quiet in the shade of hundred-year-old trees as well as countless entertainment options. You will definitely enjoy negotiating the meandering footpaths, designed by landscape architects, no matter if you explore the secrets of the woods on your own or with kids in tow. Your ventures along the trails will be made even more fun thanks to the Landart pieces, which make use of the forms and “props” of their natural environment to provide unique visual input. Should you have overexerted yourself through walking, check out the nearby spa center, zoo, amusement park, or “literary” statue park for different kinds of entertainment. Or contemplate the novel architectural techniques applied to the building of the brand new, multifunctional Nagyerdei Stadium, which smoothly cuddles up to its leafy surroundings. In the immediate vicinity, a one-of-a-kind attraction beckons from spring through fall. The “Mist Theatre” boasts a 10-m-high curtain of water which can be used as a functional movie screen. It may provide a bonus show after you watched a less ethereal theatrical or musical performance at the nearby amphitheater.
Adresse: 4032 Debrecen, Nagyerdei park

Aquaticum Spa

Located in an area of scenic beauty in Big Forest, the spa complex offers an entire unit of medical facilities and a wide range of specialist consultations to guests who seek regeneration, healing, or relaxation. Your comfort and enjoyment will be guaranteed by the attractions of the Thermal Bath, the Indoor Mediterranean Pleasure Bath, “water-chute park,” wellness center (directly accessible from the hotel unit) as well as the “sauna world.” All this in an area of natural beauty set aside for public recreational use. Mediterranean Aqua Park It is summer all year round in this fantastic spa complex thanks to the lush tropical vegetation and special features. The latter include artificial waves, pools for kids, 12 water chutes, climbing wall, whirlpools, underwater jets, massage showers, grottos, and a “water chopper.” The facility, directly accessible from the thermal bath, also features a Thai massage center, Mediterranean sauna complex and a restaurant. Your watery adventures will be complemented by the thrills of the annual National Water Chute Time Trials, and sessions conducted by world champion sauna masters.
Adresse: 4032 Debrecen, Nagyerdei park 1.
Telefon: +36 52 514 174

Régi Posta Restaurant

“Régi Posta” is a Hungarian-style cellar restaurant, with a special historical atmosphere. This is sensed by visitors who find that the fully renovated building satisfying every modern expectation has also well preserved its historical values. Régi Posta tempts guests with real traditional flavours, dishes made from quality materials sourced locally, and with a kitchen satisfying the highest gastronomic demands, the guarantee for which is the master chef László Boros. On the one hand, the restaurant offers à la carte dining, and on the other hand, it is also the ideal venue for a relaxing evening in a pleasant atmosphere, for business meetings, birthdays and other celebrations, garden grill parties, outdoor cooking in cauldrons, receptions or other events.
Adresse: Debrecen, Széchenyi utca 6.
Telefon: +36 52 325 325

IKON Restaurant & Lounge

Those who know us also know that we could talk about IKON for hours on end. However, if we had to summarize it in a few concise words, we would say it’s a fantastic gastro-workshop. We are not satisfied with good enough, but aim at perfection, making sure that our dishes are made from the best local ingredients with utmost expertise and in constant quality. We place the emphasis on fresh ingredients and modern technology, while we also rehabilitate somewhat forgotten or neglected components and allow the influences of far-away lands also to inspire us.
Adresse: Debrecen, Piac utca 23.
Telefon: +36 30 555 7766

Csokonai Restaurant

Csokonai Restaurant awaits guests in Debrecen’s downtown area – in Kossuth Street, opposite Csokonai Theatre – with halls of different size and ambient and a rich offer of international and traditional Hungarian specialties.
Adresse: 4024 Debrecen, Kossuth utca 21.
Telefon: + 36 52 410 802

Pálma Restaurant

Those who know us also know that we could talk about IKON for hours on end. However, if we had to summarize it in a few concise words, we would say it’s a fantastic gastro-workshop. We are not satisfied with good enough, but aim at perfection, making sure that our dishes are made from the best local ingredients with utmost expertise and in constant quality. We place the emphasis on fresh ingredients and modern technology, while we also rehabilitate somewhat forgotten or neglected components and allow the influences of far-away lands also to inspire us.
Adresse: Debrecen Simonyi út 44.
Telefon: +36 52 530-889

Krúdy Restaurant

With their elegant interior spaces and the world of flavours offered, Villa Hotel**** & Krúdy Restaurant with its Sindbad Room, evoke nostalgic memories in visitors.
Adresse: Debrecen Medgyessy sétány 4.
Telefon: +36 52 442 244

Barabás Restaurant

Tradition and innovation and simultaneously at home in this versatile restaurant located in the heart of the city. They aim to preserve the traditional flavours of Hungarian cuisine, popularize the excellent Hungarian wines, offer high-quality service to discerning guests, and are always open to new ideas as well. The restaurant accommodates 90 people, and thanks to its separate rooms, it is also an ideal location for business lunches, dinners and family events.
Adresse: Debrecen Vár u. 11.
Telefon: +36 52 502-220

Street Bistro

Street Bistro, as the name also indicates, offers a fusion of street food and bistro kitchen, with a real youthful atmosphere, where dishes are made from the best ingredients, under the direction of a qualified chef. Guests can choose from traditional and unique soups, burgers, sandwiches, pastas, pies, salads and various deserts, which are best accompanied by home-made fruit syrups and wine spritzers.
Adresse: Debrecen Liszt Ferenc u. 4.
Telefon: +36 30 908 8878

Wok To Box

The owner of Wok To Box restaurant had previously managed an Asian restaurant for six years, and at the same time, he also learned in several Oriental restaurants, standing directly at the wok, the characteristic cooking techniques, the secrets of at that time several far eastern restaurant standing near the wok from the typical cooking techniques and the secrets of the pure Japanese, Thai, Indonesian, and Vietnamese flavors. In the fast-serving restaurant in Debrecen, delicious dishes made in Asian woks from fresh ingredients await guests, who can choose from various pasta and rice dishes and eight kinds of sauces.
Adresse: Debrecen Simonffy u. 1/a.
Telefon: +36 30 965 2269


Simplicity that is evocative of the past, sleekness and relaxed culinarity: all this in the heart of the downtown, in Simonffy Street. The city’s truest culture bistro is full of energy and respectable piquancy. “I consider gastronomic traditions as very important, and so I try to preserve the traditional traits while also making the dishes exciting and forward-looking. As far as possible, I work with fresh, local and seasonal ingredients” (Péter Pataky, chef).
Adresse: Debrecen, Simonffy u. 2/a.
Telefon: +36 52 873 349


Streetfood-style French fries, fajitas, buritos, buri-buris, Mexican hot dog, and piadinas. The latter is a flat bread originating from Northern Italy, which is becoming increasingly popular also in Hungary, owing to its versatility, as it can be filled with practically anything. There are also ham, tuna and sausage-filled, as well as vegetarian buri-buris on the menu. A big favourite of many is Crudo E Ruccola, made with cheese cream, Parma ham, rocket salad and mozzarella
Adresse: Debrecen, Hal köz
Telefon: +36 70 553-4263

Cafe Frei

Cafe Frei serves its guests the world’s favourite coffees, teas, cakes and pastries. Their aim is to provide everyone a real, round-the-world trip of flavours and a true experience of what coffee should be like – whether in their cafés or at home, just after waking up. Top quality – at unbeatable prices! In Cafe Frei, coffee is brewed from beans freshly roasted in the company’s own plant. What makes the experience of flavours incomparable is that they serve coffee from 100% hand-picked arabica beans, sorted several times already at the plantations. The coffees are brewed on the basis of the recipes of their own, Dutch mixing master and coffee-chefs, supplementing the Italian “coffee kitchen” also with the finest creations of Arabic, Caribbean and East-Asian coffee-making traditions. The cakes, pastries, wines and breads sold are all “original”: they are not only similar to the world’s favourite products, but are indeed the real deal. They are brought to Hungary from France, Italy or all the way from Australia – whether they be pastries, coffee or wine. Cafe Frei wants you to taste the whole world right here in Hungary!
Adresse: Debrecen, Csapó utca 30.
Telefon: +36 30 351 4700

Volt Egyszer

“Volt egyszer” (literally meaning “Once Upon”) is Debrecen’s first take-away café, opened in the vicinity of the Reformed Great Church. Guests sitting behind the two huge windows of the café on Piac Street will have an excellent view of the continuously evolving city, including the ambient atmosphere of the Christmas market in the winter. The choice of name is not accidental, as the proprietors would like to bring back the friendly atmosphere, intimacy and attentive service of old cafés, while putting it in the context of our fast-paced world today. Accordingly, the store was designed with coffee lovers asking for their favourite beverage “to go” in a paper cup in mind, but of course, they also thought of those who would prefer to enjoy their coffee there, on one of the 25 chairs. “Volt Egyszer” café is the perfect choice for anyone looking for a venue for meetings, company events, birthdays, a chat after theater, or just sitting down somewhere nice for a cup of coffee.
Adresse: Debrecen Piac utca 16.
Telefon: +36 70 3866825

Árkád Café

An intimate, relaxed atmosphere, freshly roasted coffee, and a wide assortment of beverages on offer await for the guests at Árkád Café, in the city center, right next to the Great Reformed Church. The café is an ideal location for meeting friends, family members, or a business partner, browse the internet, or just relaxing a little far from the hustling world.
Adresse: 4026 Debrecen Piac u. 4.
Telefon: +36 52 315 941

Karakter 1517

The café is run by the congregation of the Great Church, and is located in the glass-roofed building in the Memorial Garden between the church and the college buildings: the reformed bookstore also moved here from its Piac Street location it had occupied for thirty years. In the space that can accommodate approximately sixty people, there is also a children’s corner. The plans of “Karakter 1517” bookstore and café include widening their assortment of books, but they also plan to showcase here the products of their “Egyháztáji” (local produce associated with the church). In addition, it is also a venue for numerous cultural programs, primarily for the congregation of the church, but they also plan to organize events for meeting writers or even smaller concerts.
Adresse: 4024 Debrecen Emlékkert
Telefon: +36 52 614-186

Cut and Coffee Debrecen

Original, locally roasted coffee and a new hairstyle in one place – in the heart of Debrecen. Cut & Coffee Debrecen was created by way of combining two successful businesses, the Hedge Hair salon and Mokka café. It is a favourite destination for lovers of quality coffee, who can also get a perfect new look from the master hair stylists. In Cut & Coffee, raw coffee beans arrive from far away and are roasted and ground in front of the guests. Helping with this are two professional pieces of equipment: a San Franciscan Roaster and a La Marzocco espresso machine, which is one of the world’s top-category coffee-makers, a flagship machine in the world’s best coffee shops. In addition to the specialty coffees, guests may also choose from freshly made sandwiches, croissants, as well as the big favourite of New York’s cosmopolitans, a variety of bagels.
Adresse: 4025 Debrecen Hal Köz 3/A
Telefon: +36 70 518 1717

Mandula Confectionery

Mandula Confectionery started as a family enterprise more than a quarter century ago, and has since developed into a business with three locations in Debrecen. One of these is in the greenbelt district of the city, in Ember Pál Street, where delicious cakes, home-style cookies and other sweets, speciality coffees are combined with high-quality service and favourable prices.
Adresse: Debrecen, Ember Pál utca 23.
Telefon: +36 52 345 360

Kismandula Confectionery

Kismandula Confectionery was opened as the second store of the family business in May 1999, and has since become a landmark in city centre. In the place of the once famous, and then more infamous "Művész" (Artist) Pub behind the building of Csokonai Theatre, Kismandula brought a new image as a place for after-school conversations, business meetings, family events, birthday celebrations and other occasions. As the locals know well, the always ambient interior, the terrace with a fountain in the summer, quick and precise service, favourable prices, and mouthwatering, unforgettably delicious flavours await visitors year round.
Adresse: Debrecen, Liszt Ferenc utca 10.
Telefon: +36 52 310 873

Szőke Confectionery

In the heart of Debrecen, in the financial centre on Hatvan Street, located among banks, office buildings and stores, Szőke Confectionery offers an intimate atmosphere, where many people running errands stop by for a piece of cake, a coffee or some other refreshments, and in fact they also often also ask for an extra few slices to go so they can surprise their family members or co-workers. The confectionery often serves as a meeting place for young people, groups of friends, and as a venue for business meetings. In addition, it is also an ideal location for visitors of the nearby Kossuth Square and the whole pedestrianized city centre with its frequent events. Szőke Confectionery welcomes guests with much love, excellent products and meticulously polite service.
Adresse: Debrecen, Hatvan u. 6.
Telefon: +36 52 447 753

Gara Confectionery (Kálvin Square)

Gara Confectionery, bearing the name of master pastry cook Gyula Gara, is a real family enterprise, which opened its gates in 1988 as part of the Kálvin Square shopping court. It has since become one of the favourite meeting points for the locals. Many choose it as a location for rendezvous, business meetings, family events, or just getting together with friends. Gara Confectionery has worked hard from the very beginning to maintain its nostalgic atmosphere offering a pleasant and safe environment, where enticing smells welcome the guests, since every product is made on site, on the basis of a unique recipe.
Adresse: Debrecen, Kálvin tér 6.

Batthyány Confectionery

Batthyány Confectionery is located in the heart of the city centre, in a pleasant, pedestrianized area. Their home-style cakes are baked fresh, from the finest ingredients, following time-tested recipes. In addition to the traditional confectionery products, they also offer cakes in special shapes and with edible, printed icings, as well as ice-cream cakes.
Adresse: Debrecen, Batthyány u. 4
Telefon: +36 52 343 862

Pince Café & Music Club

In the heart of Debrecen, “Pince” (Cellar) Café & Music Club welcomes its guests with a new design, even lower prices than before, special offers and diverse music. The interior room has comfortable leather seats, an air-conditioned dance floor, and a vibrant atmosphere, while the ambient garden terrace and patio awaits visitors from spring to autumn. The guarantees of having a good time out at Pince include the friendly service, the fantastically low prices, the wide assortment of drinks, and the latest music to dance to.
Adresse: Debrecen, Piac utca 38.
Telefon: +36 52 530 903


Lovarda, a cultural and conference centre converted from a military equestrian facility, is located on the Kassai Street campus of the university. With a total area of nearly 3,000 square metres, it is a unique venue for cultural and entertainment events in Debrecen. Due to its multifunctional nature, the facility offers a full range of services. The sound and light equipment installed is perfectly suitable for concerts, balls, weddings, staged performances, exhibitions, presentations or conferences. A further unique advantage of Lovarda is that parking should never pose a problem, even in case of a large number of visitors. The services of Lovarda can also be used by customers who wish to use an outdoor venue, as the green area surrounding the building offers an excellent opportunity for open-air events as well.
Adresse: Debrecen, Kassai út 26.
Telefon: +36 52 420 492

The Ruin Bar (Roncsbár)

The Ruin Bar opened in the pedestrianized part of Csapó Street in the spring of 2012, and has since become a favourite hangout for young people in Debrecen. The bar, which was created with a special design in mind, has the ambience of an intimate café during the day, and turns into a festival-like venue with grilled food, a vibrant terrace in the courtyard, and great club music.
Adresse: Debrecen, Csapó utca 27.
Telefon: +36 52 688 050

DiVino Debrecen

DiVino Debrecen opened as the first unit of the nationwide chain of wine bars outside of Budapest. It’s a place where wine aficionados have a chance to meet emerging young winemakers and the second generation of the famous winemaking families. The great wine served here comes from the members of the Junibor Association having 26 young winemakers as its members. Only Hungarian wine is available in the bar.
Adresse: Debrecen. Piac utca 18.
Telefon: +36 30 223 3070

Bakelit Music Café

Bakelit Music Café is located in the centre of Debrecen, across from Csokonai Theatre, and is the only place in town where the sight of the magnificent theatre building can be enjoyed to the fullest. The famous Hungarian poet Endre Ady was a regular in the predecessor of Bakelit: his favourite place was the café in the “Angol Királynő” (Queen of England) Hotel. The history of Bakelit reaches back to the 18th century, when the first inn opened at this location. Thanks to its central location, the café here was a favourite meeting point for almost all generations, but of course it is mostly frequented by the younger crowds. The menu of the café includes grilled sandwiches, iced and hot coffee specialities, a huge assortment of cocktails and beers, but also a variety of alcohol-free beverages.
Adresse: Debrecen, Kossuth utca 21.
Telefon: +36 52 414 324

Chicago Club

Chicago has a new designed interior, live music and lots of retro hits during the weekends for all of those out for having a good time.
Adresse: Debrecen, Piac utca 22.
Telefon: +36 20 275 0610

MOKKA Drink Bar

One of the ambient squares in the centre of Debrecen is Hal köz, featuring spectacular buildings, contemporary arts galleries, colourful fountains and other water elements, and last but certainly not least, a number of outdoor cafés and terraces. Opening as one of the first among them was MOKKA Drink Bar, where an exquisite environment, service with a smile, friendly prices, and a patio bar serving a variety of refreshing drinks await the guests. The offerings include top-notch coffees, cocktails, and beer specialities. All staff members are trained baristas, which is a guarantee of quality.
Adresse: Debrecen, Hal Köz 3/a,
Telefon: +36 52 747 312

Exit Bar

In the city centre, just a few minutes’ walk from the main square, Exit Bar welcomes everyone, young and old, wishing to relax and have fun. Draught beers, an assortment of wines, spirits, long drinks, cocktails and lemonades, as well as a laid-back, informal environment and friendly prices are intended to guarantee a good time.
Adresse: Debrecen, Bajcsy-Zsilinszky utca 2.
Telefon: +36 52 790 480

Miami Cocktail Bar

Debrecen’s only cocktail bar where 70 different, quality cocktails, an internationally acclaimed bartender, friendly prices and excellent service await guests.
Adresse: Debrecen, Hal köz
Telefon: +36 30 968 1482


Hungary’s latest and at the same time also largest student club opened in September 2015. Equipped with state-of-the-art sound and lighting technology, Hall is located under the stalls of Nagyerdei (Great Forest) Stadium, at the northern gates. After successfully debuting as a venue at the 2015 Campus Festival, the students of the University of Debrecen returning for the autumn semester also took possession of the club. Hall has a total area of 2,000 square metres, and can accommodate up to 2,200 people for club nights, special performances, balls, conferences, and other events for which it will be used in the future, including for concerts by some of the most successful and best known performers of the country.
Adresse: Debrecen, Nagyerdei Park 12.

Fórum Shopping Center

FÓRUM Shopping Center of Debrecen opened 6 years ago as the most beautiful and largest mall of the region and a definitive player on the scene of fashion. FÓRUM and fashion are now inseparable, as in addition to the latest trends, the former is also a testimony to the variegation of its offerings in the field of fashion. Hungarian and international brands can both be found here, including Zara, Bershka, Mayo Chix, Douglas, Springfield, Saxoo and many others. FÓRUM is located in the heart of the city, and it awaits shoppers and visitors with 120 stores on 3 levels, 800 parking spaces with favourable parking rates (free from 2 p.m. on Saturday and all day Sunday), many restaurants, cafés, a playhouse for children, as well as a variety of entertaining events. With its events, FÓRUM Shopping Center of Debrecen aims to ensure that all visitors have a pleasant time in a beautiful environment, and that they come back again after being enriched with many experiences.
Adresse: 4029 Debrecen Csapó utca 30.
Telefon: + 3652598800; +3652598810
Åpningstider: Monday - Thursday: 9.00 - 20.00, Friday - Saturday: 9.00 - 21.00

Debrecen Plaza

The Debrecen Plaza Shopping and Entertainment Center opened its doors in the heart of the city on 10 December 1998. The air-conditioned environment of this mall offers a comfortable and pleasant experience around the year. Visitors find more than 50 stores, a multiplex movie theater, a casino, as well as a number of restaurants and cafés here.
Adresse: 4026 Debrecen Péterfia utca 28.
Telefon: +3652456700
Åpningstider: Monday - Saturday 9.00 - 20.00

Flower Carnival Night

Date: 2017 August 20. 19.00 Debrecen’s popular arena show, which will be held for the third time, promise an unforgettable attraction with brand-new colossus flower car, with the most popular hungarian stars and with thousands of foreign and hungarian art contributor.
Adresse: 4032 Debrecen, Nagyerdei park 12.
Telefon: +3652518400

Debrecen Flower Parade

Date: 2017. August 12-21. One of the most popular Hungarian summer events, the renowned Flower Parade has been a Debrecen icon for over 40 years. This week-long extravaganza displays the amazing talents of domestic artistic troupes as well as performers from all corners of the world. The revelries reach their climax on August 20. This is the actual parade day when the self-propelled floats carrying gigantic flower arrangements depicting fairy tales, legends and other stories roll along the city’s avenues accompanied by Hungarian and overseas troupes of dancers and musicians. The multi-stage show which involves hundreds of performers clad in traditional garb culminates in a boisterous street party complete with fireworks. Over the past 45 years, the festival has featured over 500 flower floats, more than 1,000 Hungarian and foreign troupes, several million flowers, tens of thousands of staff and volunteers as well as hundreds of “flowery” programs. You need to book in advance to get seats on the grandstands erected along the parade route and/or watch selected programs.
Adresse: Debrecen
Telefon: +36 52 518 400

Campus Festival

Date: 2017. July 19-23. The biggest bash in Eastern Hungary’s pop-music calendar, Campus features over 200 shows at up to 40 venues in the leafy surroundings of Big Forest. Organized on an area of over twenty hectares in the vicinity of the Nagyerdei (Great Forest) Stadium, it is not by accident that Campus has been called “one of Hungary’s most comfortable festivals”. The summer heat is quite bearable under the shade of the forest trees, but it is also alleviated by the drinking fountains and “mist gates”. In addition, the 1000-square-metre air-conditioned party arena and the center of cultural events, the newly renovated, 101-year-old Water Tower, are also great places to escape the heat. In addition to well-known Hungarian and international singers and bands, there are literary and theatrical programmes, meetings and talks with artists, film screenings and stand-up shows by popular Hungarian comedians.
Adresse: Debrecen

Debrecen Wine & Jazz Days

Date: 2017. August 3-6. Good wine accompanied by good music: nourishment for body and soul! This is all you need for a “gastro-jazz” jamboree. The 2015 installment of the oldest continuous annual jazz festival will pair up with the most popular wine festival of the Northern Alföld region to feature 33 jazz bands and 50 top-ranked Hungarian wineries to enchant jazz buffs as well as wine lovers.
Adresse: Debrecen
Telefon: + 36 52 518 400


Date: 2017. January 14-15. “Dalidó” is the event opening the carnival season, aimed at the preservation of traditions. It revives the old tradition when, on the first weekend after Epiphany, a feast involving music, dancing, eating and drinking, was held in the city. Each year the Dalidó of Debrecen awaits children and adults with its colorful programs, including puppet theatre performances, various arts and crafts, as well as traditional carnival delicacies.
Adresse: Debrecen
Telefon: +36 52 518 400

Debrecen Fall Festival

Date: 2017. November 6-18. Two months’ worth of concerts, theater productions, family and children’s programs, folklore festival, exhibitions and live interview sessions will also include the events of Debrecen Literature Days.
Adresse: Debrecen
Telefon: +36 52 518 400

"DESZKA" Festival

Date: 2017. March 27- April 2. Some of the best of contemporary Hungarian drama is staged during the festival by renowned companies from Budapest, the rest of the country, and Hungarian communities in surrounding countries, followed with much interest by both the profession and the wider public. The festival, celebrating its tenth anniversary in 2016, also features audience talks, professional lectures, a workshop and an exhibition.
Telefon: +36 52 417 811

Performances at the Great Forest Open Air Theater

Date: 2017. May 1. – September 30. Theatrical entertainment under the starry sky, accompanied by the chirping of crickets. The Great Forest Open Air Theater, reopened after extensive renovations in 2014, offers entertainment to audiences in the heart of the Great Forest Park, in the form of theater performances, concerts and a variety of productions.
Adresse: Debrecen, Nagyerdei Park
Telefon: +36 52 518 400

International Nativity-Play Festival

Date: 2017. December 8-10. A renowned gathering of amateur troupes from all over the Carpathian Basin whose performances celebrate the traditions of the festive season.
Adresse: Debrecen
Telefon: + 36 52 413 939

Debrecen Spring Festival & Art Exhibition

Date: 2016. March 12 - April 16. It is the 26th time that Debrecen has given home to this comprehensive art festival featuring music, theater, exhibitions, movies, and literature. Timed to coincide with this extravaganza, Debrecen Spring Art Exhibition will display the output of the best visual artists based in Debrecen and Hajdú-Bihar County.
Adresse: Debrecen
Telefon: +36 52 518 400

Happy New Year, Debrecen!

Date: 2017. december 31. Debrecen residents traditionally spend New Year’s Eve reveling in Kossuth Square, smack in the middle of downtown. Star performers are close at hand to maintain a genuine party atmosphere before (and after) the New Year countdown and firework display.
Adresse: Debrecen
Telefon: +36 52 518 400

Debrecen Advent

Date: 2017. November 26. – December 24. The action-packed four Sundays before Christmas will help visitors feel the community spirit of this period of excited anticipation. Main Square will welcome religious congregations and traditional as well as more contemporary artists on the stage who will share the intimate moments of lighting the four Advent candles with their audience. Kölcsey Center’s Yuletide concerts, the downtown handicraft fair and the “Open Town Hall” programs will all contribute to a truly memorable festive season.
Adresse: Debrecen
Telefon: +36 52 518 400

Debrecen Mangalica Pork Days

Date: 2017. April 21 - 23. Delicacies prepared from traditional Hungarian mangalica pork will provide something of a novelty for kids and unequalled treats for their parents. Therefore, this spring weekend event will be a must-see for the whole family. Visitors’ satisfaction will be guaranteed by mouth-watering food as well as the artisans’ market and many entertainment options.
Adresse: Debrecen

Debrecen Turkey Days

Date: 2017. May 27 - 28. Craving a bite of turkey? To quote the popular folk song, “You should go to Debrecen.” Is it summer? Debrecen Turkey Days won’t disappoint. This cheerful festival pits teams of pro and amateur chefs (competing in separate divisions) against one another for the prize awarded to the most ingenious and delicious turkey dish. The comfort level of your taste buds will be elevated by great wines, your mood by concerts, kid programs and bargains at the artisans’ market.
Adresse: Debrecen
Telefon: +36 52 502 220

Debreczeni Aroma Festival

Date: 2017. September 22 - 24. This heart-warming gastro-fest will feature all the fare of Debrecen’s finest restaurants, tipple from the nation’s best pálinka distilleries and live concerts by top-ranked Hungarian bands.
Adresse: Debrecen
Telefon: +36 52 420 492

Goose Feast on St. Martin’s Day

Date: 2017. November 10 - 12. Folk wisdom has it that you must have goose and fresh wine on St. Martin’s Day. Debrecen’s best chefs will be at hand to provide exquisite food, while vintners based in the historic region of Eger will bring their best vintages of wine. Trust the old-timers and dine at this festival. Not only will you have your fill here, but you’ll also enjoy plenty of food through the whole year.
Adresse: Debrecen
Telefon: +36 52 502 220

FIBA 3x3 World Tour

Date: 2017. August 31. - September 1. The FIBA 3x3 World Tour is the pinnacle event of an 'open' network of FIBA-endorsed 3x3 tournaments. Any group of four players - regardless of their nationality and representing a city - can qualify for the FIBA 3x3 World Tour by taking part in a lower level/regional tournament, eventually making their way to the world stage. The FIBA 3x3 World Tour events are true urban culture festivals, organised in the heart of the cities against the most iconic landmarks and feature non-stop music and MCs calling the games, professional dunkers, breakdancers and other street artists. They are in line with FIBA's "3x3 for everyone philosophy" as spectators and passers-by are invited to participate in 3x3 games and activities.
Adresse: Debrecen - Kossuth tér

8th National Water-Chute Championship & Time Trials

2017. August 11. It is summer all year round in the fantastic spa complex of Aquaticum Mediterranean Aqua Park thanks to the lush tropical vegetation and the special features that include artificial waves, pools for kids, 12 water chutes, climbing wall, whirlpools, underwater jets, massage showers, grottos, and a “water chopper.” The aqua park gives home to various watery adventures all year round, the most popular of which is definitely the annual National Water Chute Time Trials when everyone can compete for the title of the fastest water-chute champion.
Adresse: 4032 Debrecen Nagyerdei park 1.
Telefon: +36 52 514-174

Hortobágy Bridge Fair – Country Fair Of Handicraft & Flea Market

2017. August 18 - 20. This popular annual fair takes place on August 20 by Hortobágy’s famed architectural icon, the “nine-holer” bridge. The event, which boasts a history of more than a century, is complete with a colorful medley of folklore and gastronomic programs.
Adresse: Hortobágy


2017. October 20 - 22. Crane migration is the most spectacular fall nature show in Hortobágy. Guided weekend tours provide a great opportunity for visitors to watch flocks of tens of thousands of birds approach their resting places at dusk.
Adresse: Hortobágy

Debrecen Airport

Debrecen Airport is the most important and busiest airport of Eastern Hungary, with the second largest volume of traffic in the country behind only Budapest Liszt Ferenc international airport. Debrecen Airport has undergone significant development since 2011. The volume of passengers, which was only around 10,000 per year before, has reached 180,000 by 2015, and is expected to reach 350,000 by 2016. The airport is located at a distance of 7 kilometers south from the center of Debrecen and 5 kilometers from the main railway station. In October 2015 Wizz Air opened a new route between Milan-Bergamo and Debrecen, and in December 2015 launched three new routes from Debrecen to the airports of Paris-Beauvais, Brussels-Charleroi, and Malmö, bringing the total number of flights between Debrecen (and thereby Eastern Hungary) and six, strategically important centers of economy and tourism in the European Union. Since December 16, 2015, Wizz Air has been using Debrecen Airport as a base for one Airbus A320 aircraft. Debrecen thus became the 22nd base of the airline and the second one in Hungary. From 11 April 2016 Lufhansa will launch a new route to Debrecen from the third biggest city in Germany, Munich, offering services between the two cities three times a week. In the summer season, there are also numerous charter operators flying from Debrecen Airport mainly to the Mediterranean, but charter flights also regularly arrive from Germany. Related to the earlier logistical developments, the airport’s new, three-story innovation and incubation center on a total area of 8,000 square meters is expected to be completed in the fall of 2015, in which – in addition to office space – the new passenger terminal of the airport will also be located.
Adresse: H-4030 Debrecen, Mikepércsi út 0493/64 hrsz.
Telefon: +36 52 521 192

Public Transport - DKV

In Debrecen all important tourist sights and attractions are within easy reach on foot. Those who prefer public transportation to walking can choose from a wide range of opportunities though. In Debrecen 2 tram, 5 trolleybus and 51 bus routes and scheduled services are available but the city can also be explored on two wheels on a safe bicycle trail-network. The two important tourist hubs of Debrecen – the city center and Nagyerdei Park – can quickly and easily be approached by tram no. 1 or bus no. 10. On the route of tram no. 2 10 ticket machines are available 24 hours a day in 8 languages where passengers can not only buy their tickets and passes but also find up-to-date information on local public transport services. Schedules, news and all other information about public transport in Debrecen are available on and on the free multi-language app, transIT DKV. Those who drive can park their park in 5300 overground, 5 underground, 3 downtown business and 3 private car parks. Parking fee differs according to parking zones and types of car. You can pay for overground parking in payment machines or on mobile phone. More information on parking opportunities in Debrecen can be found at
Telefon: +36 52 502 640


Get around town by taxi and devote yourself entirely to enjoying your program, leaving the problem of route planning and parking to professionals. City Taxi Debrecen City Taxi Debrecen has been serving passengers in Debrecen reliably since 1989. Its fleet of 120 vehicles can satisfy any need. They look forward to the calls from their existing and future customers, 24 hours a day, at the number +36 (52) 555-555. The aim of City Taxi Debrecen is to keep their passengers’ trust, while adjusting to the ever-faster pace of life. Quick and precise customer relations are important to the, which is why they have a 24-hour dispatcher service, making it possible to record and organize the ordering of taxis accurately and quickly. From August 2014, a free smartphone application is also available to clients, so they can order a taxi as easily and simply as possible. Having surveyed the broad range of customer needs, they also have in their fleet comfortable, large-sized, air-conditioned vehicle, as well as station wagons suitable for the transportation of sizeable luggage. Their services include a shopping service, the possibility to order 6+1 seat car, smoking/non-smoking cars, as well as the transportation of pets. Their aim is to get to know and assess their customer base as efficiently as possible, in the hopes that they can continuously expand the scope and improve the quality of the services. Passengers may place orders by phone, online or with the use of the smartphone application. The dispatcher service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, including weekends and holidays. Főnix Taxi Főnix Taxi is the largest, market-leading tax company of the city of Debrecen. If called to an address within the city limits, a car is guaranteed to arrive within a few minutes. The phone number of Főnix Taxi: +36 (52) 444-444. For the sake of simplicity, it is also possible to call a taxi by way of the GPS-based application after using a QR code. Services: - 6+1 seat taxi (airport transfers) - 7+1 seat Hyundai H1 minibus (maximum comfort, personalized services, trips to the countryside or abroad, transfer to Budapest) - Station-wagons - Shopping (also via VIBER) - viber - Helping with various errands - Transporting pets - Helping start vehicles in the cold - Delivery of fuel - Towing, trailer service - Smoke-free taxi (smoke-free driver) - Non-smoking taxi (no smoking in the vehicle)


Adresse: 4025 Debrecen Hatvan utca 5.
Telefon: +36 52 523 055
Åpningstider: Monday - Friday: 7.00 -19.00, Saturday: 8.00 - 12.00


Nap Patika
Adresse: 4025 Debrecen, Hatvan u. 1.
Telefon: + 36 52 413 115
Åpningstider: Monday - Sunday: 8.00 - 22.00